Currently custom reports can be made but not scheduled. I need the ability to schedule my custom report as the built in reports do not contain the daily information I require.
I have been working with the partner report. But for some reason Novell support can't get it to work properlly! I would like a working partner report! Now the partner report shows all our customers instead off partner clietns only!
The LDAP import alert summary tells how many users were disabled by that import. However, there is no way to see which users those are without a manual database query. There is a deleted_by_ldap field in the client table in the database. This should be…
NSD provides an inbuilt reports to track several metrics or gather information. However I cannot drill down to see the details on that chart. Please provide option to drill down on charts in reports
Add the option/capability to Service Desk Report Builder to view note text. We can create a report using NSD report builder that can bring All notes' ID, Visibility and Date per incident but not the note text. Allows us to directly see this information…
Allow to create very basic reports based on custom fields value queries. For instance, if I add a custom field for the "Cost Center" in every incident request, allow the Report Builder to create a report where list every incident request where the custom…
Provide an ability to transfer/share custom reports from one user to another. It helps in avoiding duplication of work. Also helps in changing the owner of the custom report when the user who created leaves the team or organization