• ZSD and SMT

    We have update channel on SMT for ZCM and ZRS, why not for ZSD ?
  • What causes re-opened tickets to change tech assignment?

    Hello, We have been trying to research and identify why incident requests get reassigned (seemingly to a supervisor) when incident is re-opened. In our first testing, we noted requests were opened and re-assigned to "System Supervisor" so we removed…
  • Issue with attachments and special characters

    Hello, It was brought to our attention that screenshots on macs, then uploaded to ZSD, cause attachments to break. We believe this is because of the macs inserting U+202F (Narrow No-Break Space) at the end before AM/PM. If one is attached, we will…
  • ZSD Microsoft 365 OAuth Issues

    Hello, We attempted to go live with our support mailbox over the weekend and repeatedly ran into issues with the configuration and getting tokens. We are met with the following error message: Looking in the LiveTime.log, we see the following when…
  • email polling , stop reply all.

    me again! 'customer' includes cc's on emails. Email polling replies ALL. The cc's reply and more tickets are created for the same issue. Can we turn off REPLY ALL under email polling? I cant find a way under privileges or email setup. Turned off Enable…
  • Migrate from Embedded PostgreSQL to MS SQL Cluster

    Hello, I am attempting to locate documentation on how to migrate from the embedded PostgreSQL to MS SQL Cluster. We used the embedded while configuring and testing and would like to move before going live.
  • ZSD 23.4 Remember Login check box does not work. Wrong Tab is opened in customer portal

    Have gone thru documentation and privileges and cannot find any 'Remember Login' settings. We just switched from on-prem AD to Azure authentication and it didn't work in either case. ALSO - customer portal goes to Self help even tho we set default…
  • Service Desk certificate errors.

    Hi I have tryed everything i can think of to get rid of the certificate errors. We have a CA. Service Desk will only be used inside our network. Would like NOT to use an external certificate provider ...if possible. https://www.novell.com/documentation…
  • AD (Azure hybrid) on-prem user source SWITCHED to AZURE

    I have followed TID 7025035 "ZSD LDAP User Source or Domain Move Process" and the TEST of the connection passed and filter passed --- but groups cannot be found. Permissions (GRAPH) set for the azure app: User.Read.All, Group.Read.All Group.ReadWrite…
  • invalid access to item - Inbound email ticket creation

    I'm looking to create tickets from email. I've tested raising a few and can see when I look to add a Item# in the subject line. No ticket is created. Email logs show failure - Invalid access to item. Within the config, I am set as the "customer" under…
  • Extract Hash Values for Items in Service Desk

    Can someone tell me how to Extract Hash values for all Items we heave within in the service desk application. (8.1.2)
  • CVE-2022-42889 Apache Commons Text vulnerability (Text4shell)

    W e have analyzed CVE-2022-42889 Apache Commons Text vulnerability (Text4shell) for the ZENworks Products. ZENworks Service Desk (ZSD) versions do not use Apache Commons Text, but file exists. Refer to TID KM000011419 how it impacts and corrective…
  • Cannot add attachments to tickets or notes - ZENworks®︎ Service Desk 8.3

    When creating a ticket, it seems to attach the file alright until it is submitted and then I get the error: " RequestForm.failedFiles" but the ticket itself is submitted. When adding a note with an attachment, it appears successful and the note appears…
  • ZSD Email provider GMail setup - OAuth requirements

    Affecting customers using ZSD with Google Mail (Gmail) setups Only. Gmail is changing it’s email connection “ less secure access ” will be disabled. This requires Gmail OAuth to be set up with access and refresh tokens. Related TID KM000007431
  • Spring4Shell vulnerability not applicable to ZSD

    Upon analysis, we have determined that Spring4Shell vulnerability (CVE-2022-22963 & CVE-2022-22965) is not applicable to ZENworks Service Desk. U pon analysis, we have determined that this critical 0-day vulnerability "Spring4Shell" (CVE-2022-22963…