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How to customize mu incident form in ZENworks service desk

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I want to know how I can remove some extra default fields that I dont want at all  from the " Incidents" form when someone creates a ticket.
Im unable to find where can I customize my incident form under setup.

Referring to this form when the customer click on " Create Incident".

Please assist!!!!

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    What fields do you want to exclude from when the Customer Selects "Incident"?

    There are custom fields for incidents.

    There are also Configuration > Item Category Defined Fields that can be enabled/disabled.

    There are also Configuration > Item Types Fields that can be enabled/disabled.

    These filter to the Incident as the Item is selected.

    Show me a screenshot of the incident and the field you wish to remove/add.

    You can add many other customizations from the ZENworks Service Desk Customization Cookbook.

    Paul Pedron