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Demo or Video of User and Customer Portal?


Does anyone know of any live demo sites or videos that show the Microfocus Service Desk User portals and Customer Portals in action?

We are trying to locate information for management to review on this package. They would like to see what the interface looks like from a customer view, and from an it/management view.

Have been searching all over Google and Youtube and have come up empty handed.

Screen shots would be helpful if videos or live demos are not available.

Thanks for any help you can provide.
  • 0
    Although this isn't a demo per say it does show some features specific to the 7.5.0 version.
    It is rather lengthy for a demo but does show interface views as well as newer options available with ZENworks integration.

    I think more video's or demonstrations like this that shows how the intended use of the product would also be helpful. The complexity is overwhelming at times.
    You might also view the older NSD and MFSD configuration videos to get an idea of what setup is going to be like as well as the options the product can provide.

  • 0
    Although this isn't a demo per say it does show some features specific to the 7.5.0 version.
    It is rather lengthy for a demo but does show interface views as well as newer options available with ZENworks integration.

    I think more video's or demonstrations like this that shows how the intended use of the product would also be helpful. The complexity is overwhelming at times.
    You might also view the older NSD and MFSD configuration videos to get an idea of what setup is going to be like as well as the options the product can provide.

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