How to find devices that need to be rebooted?

Is there a way to create a list of devices showing the last reboot date/time and if a reboot is pending?  I can see this information on each device detail, but I really don't want to manually look at every device in my environment to find which ones need to be rebooted.  Since this information does show up on each device's patches tab, I assume it can be reported on but I'm just not finding these fields.

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    It is in the database so is retrievable

    Craig pointed the base logic in one post for retrieving data

    and then figured out the needed query for this in another post.


    Andy of in Toronto
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    I saw mention that if you have ZRS this is easy.  I do have a Zenworks Reporting Server setup but still am not finding how to get a report showing the "reboot pending since" and "reboot required" information.  

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    Having asked before, there is Not a way within normal ZENWorks reporting options.  That would be a great Idea.

    One needs to do that direct DB query that those links describe, as Craig figured it out. 

    This prompted me to write them up a bit cleaner as follows.

    If you are using the ZCM internal DB, then you can use DBeaver for your queries  Just grab the Free Community Edition
    and then follow KM000001612   to configure it.

      For the other DBs you'd likely best be using their tools, and if you made such a choice, largely have the skills to map this out on it.

    Then perform the following query:

    select zdeviceex.rebootpendingsince rebootpendingsince , zzenobject.path from zdeviceex join zzenobject on zzenobject.zuid=zdeviceex.zuid order by rebootpendingsince asc;


    Andy of in Toronto
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    Thank you for your explanation.  I was able to install DBeaver and run the query as you and Craig described.  Unfortunately, it is not very helpful since the date doesn't show up in a meaningful formant.  (I saw your notes about maybe creating script to convert, etc. but that is way more work than I have time to invest).  

    So far, I have been very disappointed with Zenworks patch management in that it does not provide any user friendly means of tracking, reporting, or doing any sort of follow up on needed patches.  I do have Zenworks Reporting Server setup and have looked through the patch reports provided but they don't really help much in trying to find and update devices that are not up to date (ie maybe just need a reboot). 

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    the date doesn't show up in a meaningful formant

    Could you post an example?

    for one client I have the most recent needs to reboot of
       2024-08-26 18:22:14.000
    this being at 14:39 EDT,   so this tells me they are saved in UTC times.

    with all the ones that aren't pending a reboot showing   [NULL]


    Andy of in Toronto
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    For example, the report shows 22:47.0 for device FTWD025   

    But in ZCC the Reboot Pending since shows date and time I can understand. 

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