CVE feed stopped working

Looks like security part of ZENWorks has hard times again ( Antimalware updates ... ) , CVE feed doesn't work. They  changed something recently and talking about updating of schema files ..



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    There should be a "Run Now" Option....

    I think I did notice if I "Canceled".....I had to exit out of that page and go back to see "Run Now" again.

    If you manually hit the Web Site shown for your Feed with a browser....

    You will intermittently see a 503....It seems to come and go for periods of time.

    It was not working at all for me...then it was for a while....then not again.....that was Yesterday Afternoon when I was digging into things.

    I would test via a browser before I tried to run the update in the ZCC...since it was not totally random....just longer stretches of good or bad.


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