Advanced ZPM Database Clean-up Failed


Valid ZPM license is valid

Platform: Zenworks appliance

The database clean-up faild on the migration process. Installed all of the current FTF's for 23.4 Zenworks. At this point the mogration process is stalled since there are no more retrys available.

Process directs to contact Micro Focus Customer Center.

How to enable additional attempts to clean-up the database?  What could be the DB issue?

Thanks, JoeK

  • 0  

    In your ZENLoader Log do you see this???

    [TRACE] [02/08/2024 10:40:00.491] [17] [ZENLoader] [20876] [] [Exception while performing migration clean up] [] [java.lang.NullPointerException

    at java.util.Objects.requireNonNull(

    at java.util.Arrays$ArrayList.<init>(

    at java.util.Arrays.asList(

    at com.microfocus.zenworks.patch.helpers.migration.PatchSystemVariablesCleanupHelper.removePatchSystemVariables(


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    Craig, yep that is the error. Show 5 times:


    migration clean up] [] [java.lang.NullPointerException

           at java.util.Objects.requireNonNull(

           at java.util.Arrays$ArrayList.<init>(

           at java.util.Arrays.asList(

           at com.microfocus.zenworks.patch.helpers.migration.PatchSystemVariablesCleanupHelper.removePatchSystemVariables(

           at com.microfocus.zenworks.patch.helpers.migration.PatchSystemVariablesCleanupHelper.removeAllPatchSystemVariables(

           at com.microfocus.zenworks.patch.helpers.migration.AirgapMigrationHelper.modifyAirgapRelatedSystemVariables(

           at com.microfocus.zenworks.patch.helpers.migration.AirgapMigrationHelper.migrateAirgapZone(

           at com.microfocus.zenworks.patch.helpers.migration.MigratePatchManagementHelper.cleanupAndMigrateAirgapData(

           at com.microfocus.zenworks.patch.helpers.migration.MigratePatchManagementHelper.migrateZenworksPatchManagement(

           at com.microfocus.zenworks.patch.loader.modules.queue.handlers.PatchMigrationCleanupHandler.migrateZenworksPatchManagement(

           at com.microfocus.zenworks.patch.loader.modules.queue.handlers.PatchMigrationCleanupHandler.processAction(

           at com.novell.zenworks.loader.modules.queue.runner.QueueThreadWorker.processAction(


           at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(

           at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$


    ] [] [] [] [ZENServer]

  • 0   in reply to 

    Run the Query....I think it will return some bundles that have a bad value for SYSTEM Variables.

    In the Picture above the Variable "PET" does not have a value.  This will lead to that error.  This is not supposed to be possible and I had to edit the picture to demonstrate.  You can delete the bundle if its no longer needed or update it to have a value.  In most cases these were old unused bundles.  I'm not sure if it matters if the bundle is the published or just an old bundle version.  So if you see a bundle in the report and lit looks correct...try deleting the old versions. 


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    Note: Many components of ZPM are actually just bundles...which is why non-ZPM bundles impacted ZPM...


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    Craig, thanks for the reply. Excuse me for being stupid, but where do I execute that query?

  • 0   in reply to 

    If you have the internal DB, you can use DBeaver:

    Just grab the Free Community Edition:

    If you have MSSQL you will want to use their tools but my guess if you have the internal DB.


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