Very often I have this result of distributing policies (Failed to launch C:\Program Files (x86)\Novell\ZENworks\zpm\remediate.exe. Exit code: -1)
How to avoid it?
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Very often I have this result of distributing policies (Failed to launch C:\Program Files (x86)\Novell\ZENworks\zpm\remediate.exe. Exit code: -1)
How to avoid it?
Please let me know if you are using ZENworks 20.3 and the "New Feed" or an older version of ZENworks with the old Feed.
Note: It is possible to use the Old Feed still on 20.3 unless you do the upgrade process.
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And if on ZCM 20.3 with new feed, have you applied 956 Server Patch?
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I must have missed this fix. Now corrected.
ZCMFIN:~ # zocker ftf list -l
Version Applied Time Is DevFTF Containers* 2023-03-20 11:41:38 No
Do I need to restart the ZEN server after this operation?
When logging in, I still see versions
Unfortunately, When "Server Side Patches" such as "956" are applied, it never updates the version of ZENworks as seen in the ZCC.
So long as the "ZOCKER" command shows correct, then you are good!
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Unfortunately, When "Server Side Patches" such as "956" are applied, it never updates the version of ZENworks as seen in the ZCC.
So long as the "ZOCKER" command shows correct, then you are good!
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Ok Thx
But the fix didn't seem to help. Problems still occur.
If I run cmd command ('zac ps') I get messages: 'Starting patch scan .....
There was an error scanning the computer: ANALYZE_FAILED'
And if I enable scanning using the ZCC console: 'The analyze process failed to complete correctly'
Prior to the patch, I also had the following messages