• Migration from 23.4 Windows to 23.4 appliance question

    Just need a little clarity on this. We currently have a SQL install on a Windows box and and two 23.4 primaries. The second primary was only to get the the first primary to a point where it could do an upgrade. For some reason it wouldn't upgrade on it…
  • Removing OLD SERVER to upgrade 11.4.2 to 2017

    So there are some clients that have not checked in since I made the 4 new 2012 R2 servers the main primaries. The old primaries I need to remove from the zone since they are 2008 R2. Keep trying to upgrade but some kind of logonUI issue after update so…
  • New Bundle Ver. Published Not Included on Satellite Server

    Hello Does anyone know of any reason why a bundle would suddenly become unavailable on some satellite servers? I recently made changes to a bundle whose content was included on all primary and satellite servers. I published the new version then all of…
  • From 11.1a to 11.2.2 - steps

    Hello everyone, We're in the process of upgrading to 11.2.2. What is the best scenario considering that clients will have to boot twice in order to get to 11.2.2? Scenario 1. 1. upgrade primaries to 11.2.0 (we have 2) 2. upgrade satellites to 11.2.0 …
  • Errors installing ZCM 11 SP2 on SLES 11 SP2 and OES 11 SP1

    I am having alot of problems installing ZENworks configuration management 11 SP2 on SLES 11 SP2 and OES 11 SP1. I created a fresh install of SLES 11 SP2 and OES 11 SP1. I did not add any OES roles and I did not make any changes to the default SLES configuration…
  • Can and does Zenworks utilize the Sandybridge architecture?

    Does anybody know if Zenworks can or will utilize the hardware instructions and capabilities of the Sandybridge architecture for encrypting/decrypting and hashing when it stores repository data? The question came up during discussions of which hardware…
  • Change Hostname/IP of Server in ZCC / GUID Duplicated

    I have a bit of a strange (but major) issue. I have recently joined up a workstation and reinstalled the agent, but somehow this workstation has been given the same GUID as my primary (only) server! In the Control Center, I can view the server object…
  • Error setting up 2nd primary server

    I'm trying to setup a new primary server for zcm (it will be the secondary primary), but on installation it says that "There appears to be a severe problem with one or more of the ZENworks components." I've checked the ZENworks_Install log and it shows…
  • How to remove a Satellite Imaging Server from Zone?

    Hey Everyone I ran into the following problem... A few month ago I set up a normal Workstation as a Satellite-Server with Imaging Role. This worked great so far, all Workstations in this Subnet were automatically redirected towards this server etc. Last…
  • Moving server to different segment

    I have to move our ZCM server into a different segment on our network. Before I change it's IP address and re-register it in our DNS server, I wanted to make sure that licensing isn't based on its IP, or if there were any other considerations in moving…
  • Wheres the OCT 2010 PRU?

    Hi everyone, Just wondering what's happened to the OCT 2010 PRU? I had issues with downloading the Sep 2010 PRU like most people, but now the OCT 2010 PRU doesnt seem to exisit - have i missed something? Thanks in advance, Mike.
  • Windows Server ZCM ComputerName Changed

    My server guy renamed the development server computer name of my ZCM 10.3a server, because the networking gets confused with this development server and the production server. My problem now is in ZCM, I still see references of the old server name and…
  • Unable to remote control managed device from console on pc

    Hi there, me again! I've got an issue where i am trying to remote control managed devices from our helpdesk pc's through the ZCM browser but all i get is a connection failed error. All of the remote managment features etc are working perfectly fine if…
  • Unable to browse to ZCM web interface outside of firewall?

    Hi there, bit of a strange one. I am trying to manage devices outside of my firewall. I have put in place the relevant ports and they are opened as i believe needed. However from a machine outside of the firewall i am unable to open the http://X.X.X.X…
  • 10.3 ZAA on server wont register

    Hi there, have upgraded to 10.3(from 10.2.2) but the ZAA on the primary server(Windows 2008) doesnt register with the zone(which is on the same server) and so the ZAA is reporting at still being at 10.2 version - is this going to be an issue does anyone…
  • Issue deployin 10.3 ZAA to 2008 R2 Server

    Hi, have an issue where my ZAA on my primary server will just show as unmanaged(even though it's on the same device as the manamagement zone) and not see the ZCM install. Is there a way of uninstalling the ZAA off of the primary server and re-installing…
  • Reinstalling ZAA on Primary server?

    Hi there, i was just wondering how i need to reinstall the ZAA on my primary server as it does not seem to be registering with the manamgement zone(eg itself. Other devices are ok, but the ZAA on server is showing as unmanaged - is this ok, or do i need…
  • Need to remove and reinstall zcm

    I have a oes server running on sles10 sp2 and it has a failing zcm installation on it. How do I remove all the zenworks configuration management files and reinstall?
  • Satellite Server Content Replication

    According to the documentation all content should by default be replicated to both Primary and Satellite servers. Running 10.2.2 and just added a new SLES11 satellite. But it seems that no contents gets replicated at all. If I go to Content > Replication…
  • Casa problem

    Reposted as new thread at Shaun's suggestion (thanks, SP). Question: Can I get a jaas.conf file from somewhere? Started out with 10.2 installation on SLES 10.2. Migration of apps, policies, associations from zen 6.5 went pretty smoothly, but user assigned…
  • Problem with Agent on server

    When I look the status of the Primary Server in ZCC it states that it is unable to connect through IP Address or Host Name. I got this error message every 5 minutes or so in the message log: The agent failed to bind to the quick task port. The ZENworks…
  • Agent user logon failure after server disaster recovery

    Hi, I have a Primary ZCM 10 server that I need to replace with a new. I have backed up the server, CA and DB. Installed a new ZCM server, restored the server, CA and DB. Everything seems to work fine, but the users can't login with the agent. They get…
  • How does one remove a Phantom Primary server from ZCM?

    We lost a server due to hardware failure and now our second primary server is stuck there as an object under deleted servers (as i attempted to remove it with the software at first). Well whatever the case, it doesn't appear under our main server anymore…