ZCM 23.4 on Windows Server log4j patch


I recently upgraded my ZCM Primary from 2017 to 2020, 2020.2, then 23.4. And also preformed a Windows Server OS upgrade. After upgrading to 23.4, my network security scanners are flagging ZCM as having the log4j vulnerability. Could someone point me to the update I need to perform on ZCM 23.4 to fix the log4j vulnerability? I know, I need to migrate my ZCM primary to a Linux server but that option is not available at this time. 



  • Suggested Answer


    There should not be any.....

    Here is a very old document...


    It's possible its picking up some old stray file....hard to say...


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    Hi Craig,

    Thank you for the response and sorry for the delayed response. These are the files my scanner is picking up for vulnerabilities on my Zenworks Primary server I only have the one server for Zenworks. Will the update you sent a link for fix these or should I open a support request?

    Path: \Micro Focus\ZENworks\conf\CASA\templates\CasaAuthTokenSvc.war
    Installed version: 1.2.14
    Security End of Life: August 4, 2015
    Time since Security End of Life (Est.) : >= 9 years

    Path: \Micro Focus\ZENworks\share\ats\lib\external\apache.org\log4j-1.2.14.jar
    Installed version: 1.2.14
    Security End of Life: August 4, 2015
    Time since Security End of Life (Est.) : >= 9 years

    Path: \Novell\ZENworks\ZeUS\work\prepare\5017040000fc50000000002019011514\webapps\systemupdate.war
    Installed version: 1.3
    Security End of Life: August 4, 2015
    Time since Security End of Life (Est.) : >= 9 years

    Path: \zdc\lib\java\system\log4j-1.2.15.jar
    Installed version: 1.2.15
    Security End of Life: August 4, 2015
    Time since Security End of Life (Est.) : >= 9 years

    Path: \Novell\ZENworks\work\content-repo\system-update\5020020000fc50000000002021080115\systemupdate.war
    Installed version: 2.13.0
    Fixed version: 2.15.0

    Path: \Novell\ZENworks\ZeUS\lib\\log4j-core-2.13.0.jar
    Installed version: 2.13.0
    Fixed version: 2.15.0