ZCM Agent uninstall just not going, because of age gap

On an old VM we want to keep around for rare uses, but there is no point having it on ZCM, wanting to clean it up.
Any ideas on how to get this to work?

Trying to run ZENworksUninstall.exe and it accepts input,
but it keeps telling me the input data is incorrect.
The data was correct, though I was worried about having an Administrator != Administrator issue for a bit
Wireshark time shows a TLS issue with the client vm being too old for the much newer ZCM
  (that error couldn't be more off track)

ZCM 24.2 single Appliance
Agent  on Windows 7, 64-bit vm  
      that we only fire up occasionally for a couple of tools on it. So not like we can update it or do much else with ZCM anymore.

Is there some other way to force the uninstallation of the ZCM agent on this system?  Or am I just going to have to be brutal and rip it out the hard way of killing files?


Andy of KonecnyConsulting.ca in Toronto
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    This is why the ZenworksCleanupToolPkg exists.  I think the latest available will work on older agents but could be wrong, I've never tried.  Should be in your zenworks downloads on sld, and if you have maintenance you should even be able to download the older versions if necessary.  2020.2 appears to be there.

    Can run with a local only option to just remove the local agent and not care about checking in with zcm for removal from zone.  You can kill from zone manually later.


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    Well, that was too obvious.  Worked like a charm with the 2020.2 and done.

    Thank you very much

    clearly I need a real break, glad I have one coming up before the end of the year.


    Andy of KonecnyConsulting.ca in Toronto
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