Migration from 23.4 Windows to 23.4 appliance question

Just need a little clarity on this.  We currently have a SQL install on a Windows box and and two 23.4 primaries.  The second primary was only to get the the first primary to a point where it could do an upgrade.  For some reason it wouldn't upgrade on it's own.  Would it be easier to just remove the second primary, migrate and upgrade first primary, and then just add another primary back into the cluster after, instead of doing two migrations? 

One of my questions is related to the DB.  I have thought about going from MSSQL to the embedded database as we only have about 2000 devices.  In the documentation, it says " If the primary server has the database role, the tool will automatically backup database also."  Can I just restore it to the embedded database, or should I do database migration first?  Or even after?  I assume I still need to do that, but wasn't sure if it could be handled by the restore.

I have also never done a migration before, but I remember there being some concerns about certificates and such, and there was no way to move the CA holder, but that was years ago.  Is this handled automatically by the migration?

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    It's is hard to really answer your question about the Two Primaries....If the 1st would not update w/o the 2nd is something "Broken" about the 1st and things would break is you removed the 2nd one again?  That would be my concern....For your size, there is not really a NEED for two servers....

    Perhaps Snapshot/backup everything....power down the 2nd server and make sure all is working....Folks can LOGIN to ZCM on PCs they never did before...New Bundles can be pushed, etc....

    If so...It may be safe to remove the 2nd server again....


    As Far as DB Migration from MSSQL to PG....

    I would do the DB after the migration....Just simplifies breaks things down into smaller bits.  But not sure it REALLY maters.

    https://www.novell.com/documentation/zenworks-23.4/zen_mssql_postgre_migration/data/zen_mssql_postgre_migration.html - MS to PG Migration

    https://www.novell.com/documentation/zenworks-23.4/zen_sys_servers/data/t4p2ffzsf94n.html - Appliance Migration Tool


    Yes all CA/Cert stuff is handled.  The New Appliance will have the Same Name/IP as the old Windows Server....So really no cert worries.


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    Perfect.  That all makes sense.  I was a super weird issue.  I would get an error always right after the appliance upgrade started.  I tried restarting services and several other things.  I have a thread about it on here.  I read another thread about a similar issue and that's what he did and it worked.  I just had to start the upgrade from the 2nd server.  And then I upgraded the 2nd server from the 1st.  That's really the only reason it was created and I think I would be safe removing it.  I will try power it off for a week before removing it.  I do nightly backups so have that to fall back on.

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    Perfect.  That all makes sense.  I was a super weird issue.  I would get an error always right after the appliance upgrade started.  I tried restarting services and several other things.  I have a thread about it on here.  I read another thread about a similar issue and that's what he did and it worked.  I just had to start the upgrade from the 2nd server.  And then I upgraded the 2nd server from the 1st.  That's really the only reason it was created and I think I would be safe removing it.  I will try power it off for a week before removing it.  I do nightly backups so have that to fall back on.

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