nzwinvnc ZENworks Remote Management Service Stops Unexpectedly

Hello everyone,

I'm encountering an issue with the ZENworks Remote Management (nzrWinVNC) service, where it intermittently stops itself without any clear error message. I've checked the logs, and just before the service stops, there's always a WTS_SESSION_UNLOCK event logged. After that, the following message appears:

[Exited from accepting connections as service is marked to stop]

Here’s a summary of relevant log entries:

Service Startup: Shows that Remote Management is enabled with settings from novell-rm-setting.ini.
Session Events: Includes frequent messages like WTS_SESSION_LOGON, WTS_SESSION_LOCK, WTS_SESSION_UNLOCK, and WTS_SESSION_LOGOFF.
Service Exit: After each WTS_SESSION_UNLOCK event, the service often exits with the above message.
What I've Investigated So Far

WTS_SESSION_UNLOCK refers to an event where a session is unlocked in Windows (e.g., after a user logs back in). ZENworks Remote Management seems to monitor these events, possibly to adjust its behavior based on session states.
It appears the service might be designed to check session status, which could lead it to stop if it detects an "unlocked" session but no active user.

<AllowSessionInUserAbsence> is set to true, which should, in theory, keep the service active even without a logged-in user.
No clear issues were found here, but I suspect the interaction with session events might still be causing the stop.

ViewerDNSLookup is set to false and othe lab is set to true but idk what its means and how to change it on remote control policy.

I didn’t find any settings explicitly forcing the service to stop on session unlock events. However, if anyone has insights on specific policy settings that might cause this, I’d appreciate it.

Thanks in advance for any guidance!

[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 07:05:16.791] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [8692] [] [Remote Management] [] [RMSetting:: Remote Management setting path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Novell\ZENworks\conf\novell-rm-setting.ini.] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 07:05:17.026] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [8692] [] [Remote Management] [] [Novell RM:: <RemoteManagementService>|<Enable> = true.] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 07:05:17.026] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [8692] [] [Remote Management] [] [Novell RM:: <RemoteManagementService>|<Port> = 5950.] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 07:05:17.026] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [8692] [] [Remote Management] [] [Novell RM:: <Session>|<ViewerDNSLookup> = false.] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 07:05:17.026] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [8692] [] [Remote Management] [] [Novell RM:: <Session>|<AllowSessionInUserAbsence> = true.] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 07:05:17.026] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [8692] [] [Remote Management] [] [Novell RM:: <Session>|<RebootReconnectWaitTime> = 10.] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 07:05:17.026] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [8692] [] [Remote Management] [] [Novell RM:: <Performance>|<AutoBandwidthDetection> = false.] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 07:05:17.026] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [8692] [] [Remote Management] [] [Novell RM:: <Performance>|<WallpaperSuppression> = true.] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 07:05:17.026] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [8692] [] [Remote Management] [] [Novell RM:: <Performance>|<EightBitColor> = false.] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 07:05:17.026] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [8692] [] [Remote Management] [] [Novell RM:: <Performance>|<Caching> = true.] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 07:05:17.026] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [8692] [] [Remote Management] [] [Novell RM:: <Performance>|<MirrorDriver> = true.] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 07:05:17.042] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [8692] [] [Remote Management] [] [RMSetting:: Service| Enable = 1] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 07:05:17.042] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [8692] [] [Remote Management] [] [RMSetting:: Service| Port = 5950] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 07:05:17.042] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [8692] [] [Remote Management] [] [RMSetting:: Service| AutoBandwidthDetection = 0] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 07:05:17.042] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [8692] [] [Remote Management] [] [RMSetting:: Service| WallpaperSuppression = 1] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 07:05:17.042] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [8692] [] [Remote Management] [] [RMSetting:: Service| EightBitColor = 0] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 07:05:17.042] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [8692] [] [Remote Management] [] [RMSetting:: Service| Caching = 1] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 07:05:17.042] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [8692] [] [Remote Management] [] [RMSetting:: Service| MirrorDriver = 1] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 07:05:17.042] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [8692] [] [Remote Management] [] [RMSetting:: Service| AllowSessionInUserAbsence = 1] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 07:05:17.042] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [8692] [] [Remote Management] [] [RMSetting:: Service| ViewerDNSLookup = 0] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 07:05:17.042] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [8692] [] [Remote Management] [] [RMSetting:: Service| RebootReconnectWaitTime = 10] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 07:05:23.438] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [12084] [] [Remote Management] [] [Application will be launched in Console session. Session id: 1] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 07:05:51.422] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [8260] [] [Remote Management] [] [WTS_SESSION_LOGON message received] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 07:40:21.154] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [8260] [] [Remote Management] [] [WTS_SESSION_LOCK message received] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 07:50:12.439] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [8260] [] [Remote Management] [] [WTS_SESSION_UNLOCK message received] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 08:16:31.384] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [8260] [] [Remote Management] [] [WTS_SESSION_LOCK message received] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 10:58:58.241] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [8260] [] [Remote Management] [] [WTS_SESSION_UNLOCK message received] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 14:24:18.818] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [8260] [] [Remote Management] [] [WTS_REMOTE_CONNECT message received] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 14:24:18.834] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [8260] [] [Remote Management] [] [WTS_REMOTE_CONNECT not processed.] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 14:24:24.145] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [12084] [] [Remote Management] [] [Exited from accepting connections as service is marked to stop] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 14:24:26.081] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [8260] [] [Remote Management] [] [WTS_SESSION_LOGOFF message received] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 14:24:26.319] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [8260] [] [Remote Management] [] [WTS_CONSOLE_DISCONNECT message received] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 14:24:26.358] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [8260] [] [Remote Management] [] [WTS_REMOTE_DISCONNECT message received] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 14:24:26.358] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [8260] [] [Remote Management] [] [WTS_REMOTE_DISCONNECT not processed] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 14:24:26.692] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [8260] [] [Remote Management] [] [WTS_CONSOLE_CONNECT message received] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 14:24:26.713] [8256] [nzrWinVNC] [3896] [] [Remote Management] [] [Service is marked for stopping. Not launching nzrWinVNCApp] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent] [DEBUG] [11/06/2024 18:44:22.548] [26200] [nzrWinVNC] [17488] [] [Remote Management] [] [RMSetting:: Remote Management setting path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Novell\ZENworks\conf\novell-rm-setting.ini.] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]

[DEBUG] [11/06/2024 18:44:22.558] [26200] [nzrWinVNC] [17488] [] [Remote Management] [] [Novell RM:: <RemoteManagementService>|<Enable> = true.] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/06/2024 18:44:22.559] [26200] [nzrWinVNC] [17488] [] [Remote Management] [] [Novell RM:: <RemoteManagementService>|<Port> = 5950.] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/06/2024 18:44:22.559] [26200] [nzrWinVNC] [17488] [] [Remote Management] [] [Novell RM:: <Session>|<ViewerDNSLookup> = true.] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/06/2024 18:44:22.559] [26200] [nzrWinVNC] [17488] [] [Remote Management] [] [Novell RM:: <Session>|<AllowSessionInUserAbsence> = true.] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/06/2024 18:44:22.559] [26200] [nzrWinVNC] [17488] [] [Remote Management] [] [Novell RM:: Error: Could not read <Session>|<RebootReconnectWaitTime> key.] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/06/2024 18:44:22.559] [26200] [nzrWinVNC] [17488] [] [Remote Management] [] [RMSetting:: Warning: Failed to set the RM Session settings, Will apply defaul settings.] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/06/2024 18:44:22.822] [26200] [nzrWinVNC] [17488] [] [Remote Management] [] [basic <SessionID>6556c5c5420e9846ac993a4e69c3590c1730893454</SessionID><Operation>daudit.rm.common.rch</Operation><ConsoleDevice>::ffff:172.17.x.x</ConsoleDevice><ZENUser>CN=user,O=LAB</ZENUser><ZENUserGuid>c9d9d2c24789aa435x</ZENUserGuid><ZENUserRealm>LAB</ZENUserRealm><LocalUser>LAB02\user</LocalUser><AUP>false</AUP><AuthenticationMode>daudit.rm.common.rights</AuthenticationMode><PasswordMode></PasswordMode><StartTime>1730893454000</StartTime>] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/06/2024 18:44:22.835] [26200] [nzrWinVNC] [17488] [] [Remote Management] [] [Device guid : 6556c5c5420e9xc ] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/06/2024 18:44:22.836] [26200] [nzrWinVNC] [17488] [] [Remote Management] [] [Centralized Audit:: Event daudit.remote.session.remotechat is enabled] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/06/2024 18:44:22.839] [26200] [nzrWinVNC] [17488] [] [Remote Management] [] [Centralized Audit:: Successfully logged audit event daudit.remote.session.remotechat.] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/06/2024 18:44:22.850] [26200] [nzrWinVNC] [17488] [] [Remote Management] [] [Device guid : 6556c5c5420e9846ac993a4e69c3590c ] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/06/2024 18:44:22.851] [26200] [nzrWinVNC] [17488] [] [Remote Management] [] [Centralized Audit:: Event daudit.remote.session.control is enabled] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/06/2024 18:44:22.851] [26200] [nzrWinVNC] [17488] [] [Remote Management] [] [Centralized Audit:: Successfully logged audit event daudit.remote.session.control.] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/06/2024 18:44:22.853] [26200] [nzrWinVNC] [27920] [] [Remote Management] [] [Application will be launched in Console session. Session id: 1] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 07:03:30.171] [26200] [nzrWinVNC] [26672] [] [Remote Management] [] [WTS_SESSION_UNLOCK message received] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 07:03:49.979] [26200] [nzrWinVNC] [27920] [] [Remote Management] [] [Exited from accepting connections as service is marked to stop] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]
[DEBUG] [11/07/2024 07:03:50.610] [26200] [nzrWinVNC] [26672] [] [Remote Management] [] [WTS_SESSION_LOGOFF message received] [] [] [] [Zenworks Agent]

Enable = true
Port = 5950

RebootReconnectWaitTime = 10
ViewerDNSLookup = false # in other lab its true but i dont know exactly what it meant
AllowSessionInUserAbsence = true

SystemInformation = C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\MSInfo\msinfo32.exe
ComputerManagement = C:\WINDOWS\System32\compmgmt.msc
Services = C:\WINDOWS\System32\services.msc
RegistryEditor = C:\WINDOWS\regedit.exe

AutoBandwidthDetection = false
WallpaperSuppression = true
EightBitColor = false
Caching = true
MirrorDriver = true