move DB to another mssql server

Hi All

   Because I want to mograte windows primary server to ZCM appliance..

but database use MSSQL and it instal at this windows server.

I want to backup and restore to another MSSQL server ..

but when I restore it well...and change configure file in the datamodel folder..

it still fail..

I check the zdm.xml use jdbc/TCP 1999 to connect database..

but I check new dos not open TCP1999...

who has similar experience to provide some information that How could I to do at this time ?



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "">">
<entry key="Zone">ZENWORKS_T</entry>
<entry key="MaxInvUIIdleTimeExcessConnections">120</entry>
<entry key="AcquireIncrement">5</entry>
<entry key="MaxPoolSize">100</entry>
<entry key="MinPoolSize">5</entry>
<entry key="MaxIdleTimeExcessConnections">120</entry>
<entry key="MinInvUIPoolSize">5</entry>
<entry key="Type">sql-server</entry>
<entry key="InvUIAcquireIncrement">5</entry>
<entry key="IdleTestPeriod">600</entry>
<entry key="Database">zenworks_ZENWORKS_T</entry>
<entry key="Server"></entry>
<entry key="MaxIdleTime">3600</entry>
<entry key="Session">com.novell.zenworks.datamodel.session.hibernate.HibernateDataModelSession</entry>
<entry key="Port">1999</entry>
<entry key="MaxInvUIIdleTime">3600</entry>
<entry key="Jdbc_Url">jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=zenworks_ZENWORKS_T;encrypt=false</entry>
<entry key="InvUIIdleTestPeriod">600</entry>
<entry key="Database Directory">c:\database</entry>
<entry key="MaxInvUIPoolSize">100</entry>

