No July PRU for Zenworks 24.2 ?

Is it correct, that there is no PRU for Zenworks 24.2 ?

After installing the Zenworks 24.2 update, I ran a "Check for Updates" and then the July 2024 PRU appeared. Trying to download that PRU always resulted in an error (could not download details of the update). After several tries I searched for the PRU in SLD and noticed, that there exists a July 2024 PRU for ZCM 23.3/23.4 but no PRU at all for ZCM 24.2 .

If there is no PRU for ZCM 24.2, why did this PRU appear in the available updates after checking for updates?


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    There is one you "Should" be able to download via SLD.

    That being said, Today I reported an issue where "Patches" were not available for all the various ZCM "SKUs" on SLD.

    You could try opening a Case and asking them to share the ZIP with you or wait for a day or two. 

    Hopefully, they can resolve it quickly, but it was only reported today.


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    I had Open a case and become the file to install it manually on zcm 24.2, the trouble thru the Channel is Not solved for the moment


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    Still NOT solved ! August PRU can't be downloaded through ZCC interface. Even in SLD is not possible to download it.


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    There is an issue in SLD they ware working on currently where patches are only appearing for the SUITE and not individual products.

    If you open an SR (Or Non-Technical Case for Educational Customers) they can provide you the needed patches.

    I believe they are working on migrating SLD (MicroFocus) over to the OpenText resource, which should be much smoother when it's done but I don't have any ETA.  I just know more and more systems are moving over.  It takes quite a while to merge large companies.


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    There is an issue in SLD they ware working on currently where patches are only appearing for the SUITE and not individual products.

    If you open an SR (Or Non-Technical Case for Educational Customers) they can provide you the needed patches.

    I believe they are working on migrating SLD (MicroFocus) over to the OpenText resource, which should be much smoother when it's done but I don't have any ETA.  I just know more and more systems are moving over.  It takes quite a while to merge large companies.


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    OT is without head, who has cut it?

    why each customer must open a case a ask friendly for the link to download and install it manually

    It is not more simply to put this file in the customer portal for zcm in maintenance!

    Isn't it the point of ZCM? When we need to install all manually, we need not this product!

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    when you become the file from ot-support you must copy it to the zcm server, but if you don't change the owner, the import will not work, also when you had copied the file on the two allowed directories. You will not become this information from ot-support

    Ensure that the system update file is placed in the
    /var/tmp or /var/opt/microfocus/zenworks/common/tmp directory and specify
    /the full path to the .zip file.

    After copying, you must keyin this command:
    chown zenworks:zenworks

    and then the import will work with:

    cd //var/opt/microfocus/zenworks/common/tmp

    zman sui /var/opt/microfocus/zenworks/common/tmp/ -U Administrator -P your-password

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    Note: The PRU was made available on SLD Yesterday, so you should be able to successfully download it from there.  I was able to do so.  On occasion, for one reason or another it may take longer than normal for our updated content to hit every content server causing brief download issues until it is fully replicated.  It's possible this replication took longer than normal causing it to appear for download before every server to have it, so some locales may not have been able to download right away.  I can't say if any replication issues still exist for our content, only that I was able to download it today.

    Note: There was a delay in posting the monthly PRU until Aug 6th versus the normal 1st of the Month, so the possible brief delay would have happened yesterday versus on the 1st.


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    Is Zenworks a part, which remains at OpenText or was Zenworks sold to Rocket Software ?

    I have only heard of this deal and that former Microfocus products are included, but what exactly that means, remains unclear for me.

    Because rebranding everything in short time several times is really annoying to customers.


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    Prindl: only the programming tools as Netexpress 5.x or Visual Cobol 9.x has migrated to Rocket Software. I was able to see that a new product VC10.0 is available, but this can't be found and the community forum is for the moment found by Microfocus/OT. This is all not very transparent for the customer and we can only hope to see soon better times, also for OT and Rocket!