is it possible to create a report every day with a list of devices, who has pending reboots since xx days?
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is it possible to create a report every day with a list of devices, who has pending reboots since xx days?
(Edit...I was wrong)
Not really....
We flow up the last time a PC rebooted.
We flow up if a PC is in a state where changes will occur at reboot, such as entries in "PendingFileRenameOperations". (We check quite a few things...)
However, there is no entry in the DB to indicate when those entries were first created on the PC.
The closest you can get is PCs in a Need Reboot State that have not rebooted in X Days.
(Edit Update:)
Try this....
select zdeviceex.rebootpendingsince rebootpendingsince , zzenobject.path from zdeviceex join zzenobject on zzenobject.zuid=zdeviceex.zuid order by rebootpendingsince asc;
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(Edit...I was wrong)
Not really....
We flow up the last time a PC rebooted.
We flow up if a PC is in a state where changes will occur at reboot, such as entries in "PendingFileRenameOperations". (We check quite a few things...)
However, there is no entry in the DB to indicate when those entries were first created on the PC.
The closest you can get is PCs in a Need Reboot State that have not rebooted in X Days.
(Edit Update:)
Try this....
select zdeviceex.rebootpendingsince rebootpendingsince , zzenobject.path from zdeviceex join zzenobject on zzenobject.zuid=zdeviceex.zuid order by rebootpendingsince asc;
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So where does the dates showing on the General and Patches tabs of a device come from?
Last Boot Time: | May 10 |
Reboot Pending Since: | May 10 |
we want a report based on those types of numbers. They are clearly stored somehow somewhere? Even if performing some derivations is required to get there.
Fresh playing with reports finds a "LastBootTime" but it comes out empty
And the dates still come out in a format that doesn't work for my LibreOffice Calc, do we have support yet for the international date standard vs that one local only one? Little endian and mixed endian dates are such a pain, give me a good big endian like ISO 8601. I grew up between those two local unsortable ones, and so latched on to that standard when it came out as logical and so sortable without having to apply oddball mechanics to do so.
Andy of KonecnyConsulting.ca in Toronto
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