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Remote Control and RDP sessions

Is anyone else experiencing the following using ZEN 11 SP1 with Windows 7 SP1...

A user is accessing their machine via RDP and needs assistance so we attempt to use zenworks remote control to connect to their desktop, but all we see is the ctrl-alt-del screen.

This functionality worked fine for use in our XP/Zen 10.2.1 environment. From the reseach that I've done so far it seems that it could be related to the added security in windows 7 where the services run in session0 and the the user desktop runs in session1 whereas with XP, everything runs in session0

Wondering if I'm missing a setting. I opened an SR, but no resolution yet. They told to use the /console switch (which doesn't even apply to window 7 - its now /admin) but that did not work.

Any insight is appreciated...


Andy Beiter
Hodgson Russ LLP
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    hrabeiter;2170359 wrote:
    From the reseach that I've done so far it seems that it could be related to the added security in windows 7 where the services run in session0 and the the user desktop runs in session1 whereas with XP, everything runs in session0

    Hi Andy,

    Yes, I have seen this too and also concluded the difference in session handling is causing this. Don't have a workaround for you so far unfortunately.

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    Yes, what Magic says. I have reported it to novell about 6 months ago
    and it is indeed the security settings in Win7 that throws a spanner in
    the works.

    Feel free to ask for an enhancement at the link on my signature though.

    Anders Gustafsson (NKP)
    The Aaland Islands (N60 E20)

    Have an idea for a product enhancement? Please visit:

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    I just submitted an enhancement request - thanks for the link.
    In the mean time, I was thinking of trying out one of the free flavors of VNC to see if it works with windows 7 RDP. I'm going to try UltraVNC first. I'll post my findings.

  • 0 in reply to 
    > I was thinking of trying out one of the free flavors
    > of VNC to see if it works with windows 7 RDP.

    Last time I did try it dit not work, but please try and post your

    Anders Gustafsson (NKP)
    The Aaland Islands (N60 E20)

    Have an idea for a product enhancement? Please visit: