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ZAV 10 Start apps from systemtray via spoon Icon


With ZAV10 you can start application via the Spoon icon in systemtray.
But this is what i have. I can do a login, but it's empty, even when i synchronize the "applications" stay empty. Also a "repair desktop" will do nothing.
What's wrong?




  • 0
    I haven't worked with this console very much yet, but if you have different entry points for an application, each entry point should be visible to the console. If there is only one entry point, then that's all the user is going to be able to see anyway.

    Perhaps they need to be used at least once from the streaming site, but that's about the only limitation I know of that should exist. I'll have to look into this a little further, though, to verify if that's correct.
  • 0
    I haven't worked with this console very much yet, but if you have different entry points for an application, each entry point should be visible to the console. If there is only one entry point, then that's all the user is going to be able to see anyway.

    Perhaps they need to be used at least once from the streaming site, but that's about the only limitation I know of that should exist. I'll have to look into this a little further, though, to verify if that's correct.
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