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How to open a file in ZAV Application ?

HI All
I create a Adobe reader application (version 9.4)which insert a PDF file in it.
I want to make this application open , it could auto open this pdf file.
I add a command line such "@SYSDRIVE\test.pdf" iin startup file.

then I perform it to verify, when the application running and try to read pdf file. it show a error message.

it fail to open pdf file, but I could manual use open file to select my testing pdf file.

I want to find the main reason about this error message (or how to create to debug to verify this error)

Do I ask which document provide such information ?


  • 0
    Are you including the file with the virtualized app? You may need to add it manually if the snapshot process is missing it. As far as troubleshooting see the pinned link about virtualizing a command prompt with your app, this can be a huge help as it will "see" what the virtualized app will see.
  • 0 in reply to 
    Yes , I had insert testing pdf file to this virtual application (ex: .File\@SYSDRIVE@\test.pdf)
    I meet this error message when I use ZAV template file (Adobe Reader 9.4),today, I use Adobe Reader 11.0 and use template (just use template configure , not its file content)...Adobe Reader 11.0 has no such error message like I meet. I could perform Adobe Reader 11.0 virtual application , and when it will auto open the pdf file that I set in "Command line".
    So it seem template content file cause my probelm.

  • 0 in reply to 
    You can always just ignore the template and build the app from scratch, ultimately it will give you more control albeit with a little more effort.