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Virtual IE or IE closes on opening

I've been trying to virtualise both IE8 and IE9 using the ZAV 10 template.
The virtual app works fine on my build machine but other machines with later
versions of IE it appears to start and closes immediately.

I found this TID:

The TID mentions an issue with App Sense and to build my virtual app in a
way that windows "thinks' is running from a different location than the
standard program files folder.

The TID doesn't however, mention how I might do this. I guess I am a bit
I've tried changing the launch path before I publish the app but that
results in file not found when I try to run it.

So I guess I am asking how I build my IE virtual app in accordance with the
recommendation in the TID so that windows doesn't believe it is running from
c:\program files etc

Or how has anyone else managed to virtualise IE8 or 9 and be able to run on
machines with IE 10 or 11 already in place.

  • 0
    Hi Thomas,

    I just gave this a shot and it worked ok for me building IE 8 with ZAV 10.1 running in an unpatched Windows XP SP3 VM. Client test PC was fully patched Windows 7 x64 with IE 11 installed. What are you using for your virtualization environment? I always highly recommend doing everything in a virtual machine, snapshots are your friend. I also virtualize all my apps with the least common denominator for the OS you will be using on the clients. So, for instance, if you know you're running Windows 7 SP1 32bit as your base OS use that for virtualizing in ZAV. Check event logs and make sure your AV software isn't killing it although it would usually come up with some sort of virus warning first. Have you tried building a debug version of your app?

  • 0
    Hi Thomas,

    I just gave this a shot and it worked ok for me building IE 8 with ZAV 10.1 running in an unpatched Windows XP SP3 VM. Client test PC was fully patched Windows 7 x64 with IE 11 installed. What are you using for your virtualization environment? I always highly recommend doing everything in a virtual machine, snapshots are your friend. I also virtualize all my apps with the least common denominator for the OS you will be using on the clients. So, for instance, if you know you're running Windows 7 SP1 32bit as your base OS use that for virtualizing in ZAV. Check event logs and make sure your AV software isn't killing it although it would usually come up with some sort of virus warning first. Have you tried building a debug version of your app?

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