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Virtual IE not working with different version of local IE

I built a virtual IE9 using the template (as Novell suggests). I needed it to support a web app that is only compatible with IE9. Our environment is IE11. The main problem is that you cannot view or download any files. The IE download manager box flashes and disappears. If you're opening up any pdf or MS Office file, the new tab in IE is blank (no file is viewed). Sometimes if you download anything, it will save to local Downloads folder, but does not auto-run. Also, you cannot change the "save as" directory, nothing comes up. This only happens when running the virtual IE9 on a machine that has local IE11. If the local IE is 9, then everything works. I've also tested and noticed this happens with any version of IE, it only works when the virtual IE version matches the local IE version. Which defeats the purpose of using virtual apps if you're running it on the same environment. Has anyone had any luck with this? Thanks in advance.
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    I'll throw my 2 cents in here. You may be experiencing what I did. I needed
    to have a totally isolated IE11 for school testing purposes. I soon
    discovered that the vapp of IE interacts with the local version??? Kind of
    defeats the purpose. I opened an SR and it was confirmed that this is
    expected behavior. After research I was given a document last week that
    explains how to totally isolate IE form the desktop. My requirements were to
    have the latest JAVA and flash and to absolutely not interact with the local
    version due to inconsistencies across the school systems IE installs. I made
    the new build and tested on a laptop with no flash and Java and it worked
    fine with the changes to the registry settings of the vapp. Below are the
    settings that support had me change. Not sure if you have done this but as
    for the PDF issue did you create a pdf reader SVM and add that to your vapp?
    I made a JAVA and Flash SVM and added those.

    here are the settings to make sure your IE is totally isolated.

    Isolate Host IE Add-ons
    To completely isolate all host add-ons from the virtual version of IE it is
    necessary to fully isolate the registry keys where the add-ons are
    Part 1: Remove the relevant keys from the IE configuration
    Delete the following registry keys (if present) from the Spoon Studio
    configuration for IE.
    - [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext]
    Helper Objects]
    - [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext]
    Helper Objects]
    Helper Objects]
    Part 2: Import the isolation registry keys
    Import the attached registry file into the configuration
    Part 3: Set the keys to full isolation
    Set the following keys to full isolation.
    - [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext]
    Helper Objects]
    - [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext]
    Helper Objects]
    Helper Objects]
    Part 4: Build and test the IE package
    Build the Spoon Studio IE configuration and test it on a machine that has IE
    plugins installer. Verify that the plugins are not loaded.

    You need to make a reg file out of this and import it per above
    instructions. Copy and paste it into a text file then change the extension
    to .reg.

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


    Helper Objects]


    Helper Objects]


    Helper Objects]

    "katiefinn" wrote in message

    I built a virtual IE9 using the template (as Novell suggests). I needed
    it to support a web app that is only compatible with IE9. Our
    environment is IE11. The main problem is that you cannot view or
    download any files. The IE download manager box flashes and disappears.
    If you're opening up any pdf or MS Office file, the new tab in IE is
    blank (no file is viewed). Sometimes if you download anything, it will
    save to local Downloads folder, but does not auto-run. Also, you cannot
    change the "save as" directory, nothing comes up. This only happens when
    running the virtual IE9 on a machine that has local IE11. If the local
    IE is 9, then everything works. I've also tested and noticed this
    happens with any version of IE, it only works when the virtual IE
    version matches the local IE version. Which defeats the purpose of using
    virtual apps if you're running it on the same environment. Has anyone
    had any luck with this? Thanks in advance.

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