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invalid application

Hi All,

hoping someone can shed some light as to why this little database app doesn't want to ZAV.

Download Digger Update Direct link

this is digger which is a database engine, it's small and with out the CDROMS; no use to anyone here.

but if I try and ZAV this on a XP SP3 VM, it creates an invalid win32 executable, I believe it's because it's running under the ntvdm.exe process as it's a 16bit app.

I have tested it with thinstall, app-v and works correctly.

I'm using the above program as it's already shared on the internet, we have similar apps of the same vintage that are causing the same issue with ZAV.

Thanks in advance

  • 0
    What version of ZAV are you using? I'm going to test this when I can and I'd like to make sure I'm using the same version as you.
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    used both 9 and 10, same result.
  • 0 in reply to 
    I tried this out myself and it seems the issue isn't necessarily with ZAV. This application doesn't seem to change much in the OS, either. There are some file system changes, but nothing I can see as related changing in the registry (this is being checked once the "Capture and Diff" process has run, looking through the virtual file system and registry). Furthermore, ZAV doesn't detect a startup file on its own; that's usually a good sign that whatever you're attempting to virtualize isn't snapshotting well.

    If it helps, I did try and run the installed digger.exe with a virtual CMD, which was successful. That indicates that the xVM supports it, it's just a matter of getting the data snapshotted correctly.

    If you are willing and able, I suggest you open an SR for this and provide the support team with the installers for some of the other vintage apps giving you this issue. Worse come to worst, the support team can contact Spoon and see how to get these virtualized properly (or if it's even really possible).
  • 0 in reply to 
    thanks for testing.

    how do you do a virtual cmd ?

    I think it's possible as both thinapp and app-v work perfectly with it.
  • 0 in reply to 
    To create a virtual command line console:

    1. Open ZAV studio
    2. Start a new project
    3. In the startup file, point to C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe
    4. Point the output file to wherever you want
    5. Build

    To test with it, you just run the virtual CMD, then navigate to and run the installed exe.

    If that successfully runs, we're looking at an issue more to do with the snapshot process, or with packaging. If it fails, it means the xVM itself is having trouble dealing with the exe (this is actually pretty rare in my experience, but it does happen). Either way, that's good information to have.
  • 0 in reply to 
    To create a virtual command line console:

    1. Open ZAV studio
    2. Start a new project
    3. In the startup file, point to C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe
    4. Point the output file to wherever you want
    5. Build

    To test with it, you just run the virtual CMD, then navigate to and run the installed exe.

    If that successfully runs, we're looking at an issue more to do with the snapshot process, or with packaging. If it fails, it means the xVM itself is having trouble dealing with the exe (this is actually pretty rare in my experience, but it does happen). Either way, that's good information to have.
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