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Running script inside sandbox

Hi I'm a little confused about how to customize my ZAV apps. I need to run a script to update a registry inside the ZAV app sandbox, and then run the actual executable, can someone point me as to how to do this?

I put a cmd file in with the installation before I compared the snapshot it, but the commands actually interacted with the physical host and not within the sandbox like I was hoping.


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    Hi, let me clarify what I'm trying to do is to snapshot CS6 apps. I followed the instructions as per this blog for sequencing CS6 on App-V.‎

    And I was able to get Photoshop CS6 ZAVed, so that was great except it'd come up requesting for a license. Because CS6 volume license is now machine dependent, that's why when we install it via ZCM msi bundles we'd run a script on each machine to license the application. So what our friend in the above blog was able to do in App-V is to have that licensing script run each time before the main CS6 app is run and apparently that works. And I haven't been able to replicate that in ZAV. I thought it might work if I just ran the script before I ran the ZAVed CS6, but it looks like the licensing script can't find CS6 apps installed. I also tried to put the script in the snapshot but it still seem to unable to find the ZAV app to license. So I'd greatly appreciate it if someone can point me in the right direction here, or if indeed this is possible in ZAV?

    I guess I could always go down the App-V route, but I was hoping to be able to do it in ZAV just so the bosses can see the value in Zenworks in general.


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    I have never tried this, but it seems to me it should work if you have the script included in the ZAV. That way it should interact with the virtual environment and see everything there.

    I'm afraid I won't have time for several weeks to test this myself, nor do I have a CS6 license to work with. If you want support for this issue and have a valid maintenance agreement, I would recommend opening an SR and explaining the issue to the support team. You can even just link them to this thread, if need be. They'll probably want to get Spoon's assistance almost right away here, so the best possible resolution can be found with little time wasted.
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    Try to make a silent setup of CS6 photoshop with AMEE (Adobe Application Manager Enterprise Edition). Disable AdobeID and registration info and snapshot this install. Be sure to start photoshop once before snapshot. License information will be included in snapshot.
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    @Didrik, thanks I'll give that a try, but I thought CS6 licensing was machine specific. Will report back results.
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    Yes, licensing is machine-specific. (According to licensceagreement). We don´t use CS6 virtualized our self, I think the reason is that our license don´t admit distributing the software virtualized.