Can we get updated version of this KB article ?
Preferably without super old ZCM versions.
Many thanks
P.S. If we have ZAV, all these exlusions are already implemented ?
DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
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Can we get updated version of this KB article ?
Preferably without super old ZCM versions.
Many thanks
P.S. If we have ZAV, all these exlusions are already implemented ?
ZAV has some recommended built-in exclusions. At its core how the ZCM agent operates has not changed. In general, it's best to exclude as little as possible and add exclusions if specific issues arise. It's very rare for issues to exist even with zero exclusions. The most common needed exclusion of all listed is c:\windows\nac when doing FDE or it may sometimes take an extra reboot before the encryption starts the first time.
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ZAV has some recommended built-in exclusions. At its core how the ZCM agent operates has not changed. In general, it's best to exclude as little as possible and add exclusions if specific issues arise. It's very rare for issues to exist even with zero exclusions. The most common needed exclusion of all listed is c:\windows\nac when doing FDE or it may sometimes take an extra reboot before the encryption starts the first time.
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