Email alerts, when virus is found


customer is complaining about three things.

1 )  Email alert is useless, because it doesn't show that virus XY was found on Device name / IP , but only that SOMETHING is happening . Subsequent emails are only trash, because there is no helpful information. Only, that somewhere was another virus found. There should be link to infected workstation. 

2 )  It takes ages between event, that virus was found and email, which alerts administrators. This need to be fixed ASAP, looks like information flows very slow with major delays. Like

Virus found -> waiting for regular client server communication -> waiting for Christmas to send virus info to admin

OT should think about ZAV as critical part of ZEN Suite not as some add-on. Unpatched workstation is possibly dangerous, workstation with virus is very dangerous. 

3 ) UI is not helpful, when looking for infected workstations, there are many mouse clicks , which should be repeated again and again. I don't care that there is 99 % of workstations OK, customer need the information about problem workstation quickly .

Anyone got already virus and battled with it ?
