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restrict wifi networks with ZESM?


per the ZES slick you can control wifi access

Are there any how-tos or guides to how to accomplish this?   We are a School District and we are having issues with students connecting to phone hotspots to bypass the filters/etc.   However we can't just force to our SSID becuase devices do get taken home sometimes and need to be able to connect at home so we are looking a a way to utilize ZCM locations to restrict wifi at school but open it at home.  THoughts?



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    Hi Aaron,

    So what you are saying is......

    If I am Physically on School Grounds.....I don't want my anyone to be able to connect to ANY WIFI Network Except the Schools Network....Including My Personal Hot Spot.

    If I am NOT Physically on School Grounds...I SHOULD be able to connect to my Physical Hot Spot>


    Yes....I Think ZENworks can help implement your WONDERFUL Idea.....

    No, It is not currently a "Built-in Feature" But I'm fairly Sure I can work some ZENworks Magic to help this happen.

    I just need to work out the exact details...Though I already have the big parts worked out....Just need to Assemble the Parts.


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    That is an accurate interpretation  :)  I eagerly await your magic.

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