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ZavListener errors

 [ERROR] [13948] [ZavListener] [] [SYSTEM] [ZavOutput.log] [ProductEvent failure error: -1008] [ERROR] [] [] [] [ZENworks] 

Already reported in SR and got information, that the fix will be included in next update. Even I asked in which update, doesn´t got any reply on it. This error is shown on most clients with ZAV enabled. 



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    So it was indeed the one item I noted where "Exit 3" is causing the error.  The 'Fix' will be to mark that as debug info so it does not flow up.

    It is flagged for the next release in U3, but that is a LONG way off.

    Does the Error happen if both Windows and the AV Client are set to English?  As I recall your Devices are set to a Language for which the AV agent is localized but for which ZCM is not.  

    Does it happen repeatedly, or perhaps just during install?  Clearly, if it happens daily on all your devices, it could trouble your users greatly and you may be able to request some test file to prevent it, while if it happens just once you can likely tell your users to ignore it.

    Also verify there is no functionality lost beyond the error.


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