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Zenworks suite upgrade from 11.4.0 to 2017

We are upgrading and are stuck with this error loading zman.  Error: A JNI error has occurred, please check your installation and try again.  Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/novell/zenworks/zman/ZManLoader : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0

The database has upgraded and it appears the runtime environment has updated but the zenworks server has not.  So stuck partially in limbo.  Any ideas would be appreciated.


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    In General it is this.....

    It sounds as if Java did not update.....Perhaps there is another Java Version in the Path taking precedence.

    What OS is the Primary Server?


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    The server OS is Windows Server 2016. The current version of Zen 11.4 has been running on there until we tried to update. Will take a look at the TID you sent. Thanks so much.
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    Log Location:
    %ZENWORKS_HOME%\logs\system-update\<update GUID>\system-update.log and all msi logs
    You need to review the logs above....
    System-Update.log will give a high level view of each MSI.........
    Perhaps Post that here.
    Individual MSIs logs may help indicate that failed.
    You could try re-installing any particular MSI if you know it failed.
    Maybe if it was JUST Java then it would not be too bad.
    IMPORTANT...The Logs will indicate COMMAND-LINE Parameters with the MSIs.  Adding a value for "TargetDir" per what is used in the logs may help.
    Perhaps running an "MSI Repair" may help.
    Again, the logs point to Java Version issues, but there could be ALOT more wrong or maybe your lucky day and nothing else is wrong.
    Also Check the Windows Path, make sure there are not any other "Java" versions in the path that are ahead of ZENworks or no unusual JAVA Environment variables pointing to other java stuff.  I can't RECALL any case where ZCMs Java was trumped in Windows, but just trying to troubleshoot in broadstokes.  (Note: I did see such cases years ago on Linux with OES, but that was in the early ZCM 10.x days when ZCM shared java with the OS on Linux.)



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    I neglected to say we did update the Java version on the server before we posted but that did not seem to help.
    These are the system logs from the days we worked on it. As you can see we have been poking away at this for a while. I will spend some time tonight going through them and the msi logs. On 8/8 there were only the high level msi logs but on the two folders dated 8/11 there are 170 logs.
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    I neglected to say we did update the Java version on the server before we posted but that did not seem to help.
    These are the system logs from the days we worked on it. As you can see we have been poking away at this for a while. I will spend some time tonight going through them and the msi logs. On 8/8 there were only the high level msi logs but on the two folders dated 8/11 there are 170 logs.