Hello there i am just trying to understand this application. I cannot find a download link. I have an old version of kablink which is i believe version 3.1. It sorely needs updating and i am trying to do that. I have the database dump and realize that i can step up with sql scripts to the current version (should be able to from what i read). However i cant find a download link. I tried various approaches on the site and i can only find this "vibe desktop". I was able to download vibe server version 4.0.1 from a mirror, but it is stuck in the past, and unfortunately has the bug or symptom described here:
I dont want to be running old software anyways, so i thought i would ask about a download location for the latest release. Sometimes if its hard to find, its hard to tell if its just bad website design or some other reason so i will just come out and ask for a direct link.
any help appreciated.