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Update vibe 4.0.5 to vibe 4.0.6 certificate error?

I have OC x64
vibe 4.0.5

java -version
openjdk version "10.0.2" 2018-07-17
OpenJDK Runtime Environment Zulu10.3 5 (build 10.0.2 13)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Zulu10.3 5 (build 10.0.2 13, mixed mode)

Update vibe 4.0.5 to vibe 4.0.6
When updating vibe software, I get a certificate error:

Restoring specified certificates from /home/vibe-4.0.6-linux/temp-installer/backup-ext/java/cacerts into /opt/novell/teaming/jre/lib/security/cacerts ...
Importing 'vibe' certificate.
Installer exiting: Failed to import 'vibe' certificate.
Installation exiting due to errors. See log file for details.
while executing
"tclError "Installation exiting due to errors. See log file for details.""
(procedure "doInstall" line 6)
invoked from within
(procedure "runConsole" line 15)
invoked from within
invoked from within
"if { $::quiet } {
if { [lindex $argv 1] == "install" || [lindex $argv 1] == "--install" || [lindex $argv 1] == "-i" } {
set ::operation install
} ..."
(file "/home/vibe-4.0.6-linux/installer-teaming.linux/lib/app-installer/installer.tcl" line 6057)
invoked from within
"source /home/vibe-4.0.6-linux/installer-teaming.linux/lib/app-installer/installer.tcl"
("package ifneeded app-installer 1.0" script)
invoked from within
"package require app-installer"
(file "/home/vibe-4.0.6-linux/installer-teaming.linux/main.tcl" line 7)

what to do :confused:
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    I understand
    I can pre note
    Server with SysV updated without errors.
    Server with Systemd was updated after changing the order of updates I read:
    Администрирование Micro Focus Vibe
    Выпуск: Micro Focus Vibe 4.0.6
    Сборка: 5467 / 5 марта 2019 г.