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Unable to get Vibe Login with Firefox 74/75 or Chrome-based Comodo Dragon 80

Ok, I know this must be some issue with the Vibe certificate.  When Firefox (our default browser) went from 73 to 74, we could no longer make an exception to accessing our internal-only Vibe site (linux-vibe:8443).  It was accessible via Groupwise, or we could use Comodo Dragon which was on version 79 until just recently. Now it is on version 80 which I believe is based on Chrome 81.

How do we get around this issue?  It seems that I will be forced to buy a certificate for an internal-only website portal?  I can't seem to figure out how to create an exception that will work in either browser. There is only the Yast Certificate and certificate chain. There does not seem to be anything for Vibe specifically.  Is that correct?

Anyone have an idea what I can do? Is this something I can change in the settings used for https: with the vibe site, perhaps?  Remove the weaker ones, and if so where/what do I do?

Kind regards,



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    Update:  I got more info from my users.  Apparently this started happening before the browsers changed, they just have been occupied with working remotely and didn't bother to let me know.

    Apparently this is a (reported ?) bug. It will work for a while after a restart of Vibe, then suddenly not allow anyone to login.  A restart of Vibe seems to fix it.  I was able to login to Vibe from my latest version of Dragon and also via Groupwise.

    I did see in 4.07 the Firefox issue may be resolved.  That's good.

    So I think I am all set for now! 


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    Do not forget, there is a patch for version 4.0.7 (to decrease your efforts).

    Use "Verified Answers" if your problem/issue has been solved!

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    Thank you, I did see that. 

    Do you know if I can I jump from 4.06 with the patch directly to 4.07 p1, or do I have to do the intermediary 4.07 install? The files are nearly the same size, the patch must contain it all?  I can't seem to find anything about making this jump.
