While in full screen mode, not much of an issue, but in the those situations where you can't be in full screen or are on a limited size system (mobile!)
Some ad hock resizing, like we are used to in other table things (spreadsheets and many web forms…
In my organization's use of Retain we've found several times when having the ability to exclude a phrase in the search would have been very beneficial. We've tried putting a quoted phrase in the not contains field but it appears to treat it only as a…
A solid and typical filing system is to file by folder and sub-folder structure of some sort, with the location of an item|message as the organizational metadata but currently one has to open each folder to select all the messages to process, go and open…
A solid and typical filing system is to file by folder of some sort, with the location of an item|message as the organizational metadata But we can't select folders for restore we have to forcing us to manually select each folder and sub-folder in turn…
A solid and typical filing system is to file by folder of some sort, and you can easily have many folders, and over time that can result in way more folder names than fits on a screen (even a big 4K screen in with small fonts). Currently in Retain, when…
When you load a saved search query and specially if is a REGEX expression , you cannot identify what is loaded. There must be somewhere in that page a banner or a window wth the title of that search. That will avoid confusions and waste of time unloadind…
Find a (localized) solution if someone searches for items containing a category. It will work if someone searches for a personal category, but a user will fail if he searches in his local language for a default category. The next picture shows that a…
The vast majority of search's I do are for all mail to or from "list of folks outside our mail system" to these folks in our mail system. So I just select the mail boxes of the folks in my mail system to search, but then I have to enter each address to…
Do you really think it is a good idea to use JS-code from gstatic.com when building a Web-UI for an tool that store all your Mails, Chat, and so on? I vote for remove this from this application. Store the fonts at the appliance itself ...