Idea ID: 2869612

How to to change IP Address on Retain InstallServer

Status: Waiting for Votes

We have to change the IP Address on the Retain Server, their also the database , a worker, stubb server and statserver on the box.

After we change the address you can login as admin, but all other things are nor really workung.

We found that the IP address is in many files under /opt/beginfinite/retain

We try to change these things in the webgui and deploy new bootstrap files, but that does not really help.

we found then an TID

Move Retain to a new Server

thier are many warings if you want to do this

But with this TID and some others things we found we can give the server a new ip address and dns name and retain works again.

And the warnings in the TID are disturbing.

So their must be an officel way to do this.

