during evaluation period of Retain in our company a couple more questions came up.
Most of these issues originate from trying to secure Retain, so I have to explain the setup first. I have modified the apache server to use our wildcard SSL certificate. All outside http connections are redirected to https. Internally, retain processes still communicate over http which is fine. The DNS hostname of the server is lets say retain.xxxxx.xx. From outside network it is accessible via mailarchive.xxxxx.xx. This is achieved with Access Manager.
My questions:
1. Are there any instructions for opening specific Retain URL paths in OpenText Access Manager?
Is it possible to restrict access to management side of web application from outside network?
2. Right now GW integration doesn't work when Retain URL is set to mailarchive.xxxxx.xx in the PO client options.
Retain mobile application also can't connect to mailarchive.xxxxx.xx.
3. GW archive migration tool doesnt work over https. Is there anything I am missing or do I have to disable http->https redirection until all archives are migrated.
4. Retain needs a user on GW post office, which means it has a mailbox, which means 1 more license. Is there any way to prevent this?
5. Users with cached mailboxes cant perform external archive searches and view stubbed emails. Is this a known issue? Are there any solutions?
Thanks for potential answers,