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Retain very slow after 14 days with no job running correctly due to problems in SOAP SSL communication to post office configured in the Groupwise module

The jobs are taking ages, unfortunately the old logs with the performance with SOAP no SSL are gone, do we have issues with the Groupwise module communication going down slow enabling SOAP over SSL communication?
Do we have some suggestions to improve performance? We have the circumstances that we still keep over 3650 days of mails in the live system in five large post offices on five diefferent hosts in a quite fast new VMware vSAN environment, where also the retain archive host is running, all connected with virtually 10gB adapters. The offiles count in the post office directory is for all 5 hosts together for sue about more than 10 millions of files. The archive directory on the retain host itsself is impossible to backup, about 5 Terabyte with millions of millions of files and a huge number of directories. Any suggestion is appreciated, before the upgrade of the Groupwise system from 18.3 to 18.4.2 and SOAP SSL diabled we were running two archive jobs on one worker for all users we want to have an archive in about 60 - 70 minutes for the daily job at 23:30 and 30 - 40 Minutes for the daily job at 05:00. Now the second job with Now schedule after the outage is running already since more than 24 hours.

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    After some more research i suspect that in the old version of Retain that is in place in our production environment and the version of the GWPOA daemon after the upgrade from 18.3 to 18.4.2 there is an incompatibilty in the SOAP communication that slow down the performance from 5 to 7 mail items per second to 0.7 to 1 mail item per second 

    i see this error in the GW POA SOAP log for every mailbox ID that is archived:

    /grpwise/po/log/0625soa.001:232:02:49:28 DD6B SOAP Error: Busy cursor [EA49]
    /grpwise/po/log/0625soa.001:233:02:49:37 DD4B SOAP Error: Invalid cursor [EA05] [destroyCursorRequest] (<Mailbox ID>)

    i have no good idea if the messages are archived correctly or not, i have only very limited options for a serious testing wheter the archived mails are now corrupted or not

    i can exclude an SSL issue i could verify that the lame performance is even with SSL disabled now

    Micro Focus now Opentext support worked on some retention timestamp issues, but the performance issue is still very annoying, we have no time window for a daily archive to last 24 hours instead of 60 to 90 minutes as before the upgrade of the Groupwise software

    i guess the only sustainable solution is to give up with former Novell products and migrate the mail system to MSO365, the quality of the interoperability testing between products that need to work together 100% correctly to perform well has become too bad with the company i was in the old days proud to work for - i have worked myself from 1999 to 2006 for the Novell supoort in DDorf GER, in the golden years

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    old version of Retain

    And how old is that version?

    Lots of the industry is getting painful about matching versions closer and closer in recent years, not just one vendor but all of them, MS included.


    Andy of in Toronto
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