It seems that Retain is available for download (!
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It seems that Retain is available for download (!
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If I remember correctly, when I did upgrade from 4.10 to plain 4.11 the index upgrade dialog "Update to new indexing engine" closed immediately, but with both buttons are not active ( Okay , Close ) and the dialog isn't/can't be closed. Indexing node SOLR8 is in state Configure. Bug ?
If I remember correctly, when I did upgrade from 4.10 to plain 4.11 the index upgrade dialog "Update to new indexing engine" closed immediately, but with both buttons are not active ( Okay , Close ) and the dialog isn't/can't be closed. Indexing node SOLR8 is in state Configure. Bug ?
Yes, open a case. You will get a new class library I assume. Sometimes it seems to happen ...
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