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Vitality Gadget


The Vitality Gadget reads the LoginTime attribute using a Portal Connection and presents it in a statistical overview. For each group you can have a detailed view with username, mail and login time.

6/11/02 Changes:

  • bug fixes
  • additional parameters
    • you can use a start container for search
    • predefined modus: user cannot change values for days and timescale
  • in main_lang<_xx>.xsl you can change all colors
  • if there are LDAP Query errors you should get an error message

The portal admin can configure the following parameters:

  • StartContainer: Organization or organizational unit - the tree-search entry
  • UserName: Distinguished name of the object you want to give this gadget the NDS rights of instead of the logged in user (i.e. cn=admin,o=acme)
  • UserPassword: Enter the Password of the object you want to give this gadget the NDS rights of instead of the logged in user

The users can configure the following parameters:

  • logged in users during last days: time frame to analyze - default: 100, min: 3
  • timescale: scale - default 10, min: 3



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