Idea ID: 2783550

Provide a proper cross-platform NCP client for Mac and Linux.

Status: Delivered
Mac users increasingly expect feature parity with Windows users.

I suggest that now is a good time to build an NCP client for the Mac again to include features such as login script processing, salvage etc. This could be easily ported from the current Novell Client for Linux (NCL) and the NCL could be updated to work for a wider range of Linux distributions.

Without this, Microfocus' cross-plaform story is sadly incomplete.
  • Some random thoughts; For most linux users in NSS environments, I suspect the majority of us are Administrators who simply use scp/ftp/cifs against the NSS volumes to move files. The Novell NCP Client that was available for SLE 11 was almost acceptable, but it was always behind/breaking with routine linux patches and it is no longer available for SLE 12. I suspect the old linux NCP client was taking too much in the way of resources to actively maintain. Improved native linux NCP support would be very helpful, even if it is just for current Suse releases and even if support is only limited to improving ncpmount (for example, it could be better integrated into current Suse supported File Managers, Add a Yast NCP configuration module if necessary, etc.). Perhaps even a native Filr client for Suse linux would help most use cases as Filr seems to be the future multi-platform client, but there are limitations and it offers no where near the performance of NCP or even CIFS.
  • Some random thoughts; For most linux users in NSS environments, I suspect the majority of us are Administrators who simply use scp/ftp/cifs against the NSS volumes to move files. The Novell NCP Client that was available for SLE 11 was almost acceptable, but it was always behind/breaking with routine linux patches and it is no longer available for SLE 12. I suspect the old linux NCP client was taking too much in the way of resources to actively maintain. Improved native linux NCP support would be very helpful, even if it is just for current Suse releases and even if support is only limited to improving ncpmount (for example, it could be better integrated into current Suse supported File Managers, Add a Yast NCP configuration module if necessary, etc.). Perhaps even a native Filr client for Suse linux would help most use cases as Filr seems to be the future multi-platform client, but there are limitations and it offers no where near the performance of NCP or even CIFS.
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