Idea ID: 2788318

Possiblity to migrate/move volume on NSS32 to NSS64

Status: Waiting for Votes

Waiting for Votes

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Work in background without to off-line volume/pool


  • I do want to support this very strongly. Copying millions of files to the new NSS64 format is a major task. Basically like switching to a new file service solution. Please work out a solution to upgrade the file system without moving the data. Online preferred, of course, but offline will still be better than what we have today.
  • I do want to support this very strongly. Copying millions of files to the new NSS64 format is a major task. Basically like switching to a new file service solution. Please work out a solution to upgrade the file system without moving the data. Online preferred, of course, but offline will still be better than what we have today.
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