Idea ID: 2783538

Novell Client Redesign for Windows 10

Status: Delivered
internal design of Novell Client 2 (since begin of Windows Vista) is a pain:
- a lot of errors with the caching feature
- very slow in handshaking protocol stack design (not so efficient compared to Novell Client for Windows XP)

we hope for a new 'dream team' in near future - Novell Client for Windows 10 and OES 2015
(maybe the new open source strategies of Microsoft allow a better and more powerfull client integration now ...)

today, with the power of PC hardware (cpu, ssd) the windows 7 client computers are very fast in computing power,
but the slowness of the novell client handshaking protocol with OES based data store will force the user to copy the network data to local drive first,
compute completely local and copy the local result back to network drive finally.
This situation occurs in working with Geographic Information Systems like ArcGIS-Desktop from ESRI Inc.
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