• Identityconsole: Host mismatch

    OES24.4: https://<FQDN:9010/identityconsole/> shows a "Host mismatch". (regardeless of the browser) I checked the certificate and found that the FQDN is listed as common name and as SAN in the certificate. (It is the 'normal' server cert for a OES…
  • UMC: What are the agents?

    I found a schema regarding the UMC architecture ( https://www.microfocus.com/documentation/open-enterprise-server/24.4/oes_umc_architecture/t4n7y0o0k4db.html ) I see that there has to be agents at the OES hosts. How they are named? Do I have them to…
  • Upgrade 23.4 -> 24.4: UMC

    Do you want to joke me? Name is dimmed (not active) But this fuc34454ing item is mission critical to the complete offline upgrade??? Did anyone check this before release?
  • edirapi: use a not existing config-file?

    OES24.3; UMC 12.4.1 - 150400.5.9 # ps aux | grep edirapi 35753 3072 0.0 0.1 1690328 22844 ? Ssl Sep05 1:25 /opt/novell/eDirAPI/sbin/ edirapi -config /etc/opt/novell/eDirAPI/conf/ edirapi .conf # ls -al /etc/opt/novell/eDirAPI/conf/edirapi.conf…
  • OES 24.2 no changes in UMC ?

    I was thinking, that some changes in UMC were scheduled for 24.2 release ... No bug fixes ? Cache enabled pools, this looks like major addition to NSS and it's pretty hidden in documentation. Should get more PR
  • OES 24.1.1 - microfocus-umc-backend.service not starting

    I found, that microfocus-umc-backend.service is not running on all OES servers, exception was server with UMC installed. Looking on logs revealed, that there is a library missing libicu73_2. After I installed it, I was able start service in subject…
  • UMC: How to edit cluster resource scripts?

    How can I create or modify cluster resource scripts in UMC?
  • miggui ID Transfer OES 23.4

    Do an ID Transfer of an OES 2018.3 to OES 23.4 Finaly it works, like the "cleanup" but miggui try to make an backup of UMC configuration, regardless of whether it is installed or not and runs on an error. I ignore this error and any things finshed…
  • OES2023.4 Beta: UMC & NCS

    I get a mail about OES2023.4-Beta which contains: Open Enterprise Server 23.4 Beta - Key Features / Changes Simplified Management (Unified Management Console) - Files Management - Rights Management - Improved OES Welcome Page - NCP Management -…
  • Unified Management Console in an 2018 System

    Hi we now have one OES 2023 installed and are trying to login at the UMC. Ldap and all other services are running on OES 2018 SP 3 machines. The setup was fine, but now we cant login. No Tree is suggested. Is there any clue to get it into the…
  • UMC: Multiple UMC connects to the same DB?

    When installing UMC I have to configure a DB (default PostgreSQL). I setup the second OES2023 in this env. (UMC02) and see that during the initial config of the UMC (DB) the URL is prefilled with the previous installed Server. As the DB-port 5432…
  • OES 2023: Cluster Management

    With OES2023 iManager is deprecated (I assume the guys who developed this are gone and nobody knows how to migrate iManager to the new Java-stack ...) But the UMC does not contain the SnapIn for cluster management. So some of my customers need the iManager…