• SMT: nu.novell.com show: 500 CURL ERROR(28)

    Hi, I try to mirror the repos ... And get 500 CURL ERROR(28) from cURL ... nu.novell.com is pingable; Port 443 is reachable; But the service behind does not answer. Does someone has more information? # curl nu.novell.com/.../repomd.xml curl…
  • Installation/Upgrade extremely slow?

    I am doing a test installation of OES 23.4 before upgrading my OES 2018 servers. According to recommendations I have read here in the forums, I have registered with "Customer Center" at the beginning, to upgrade to 24.1 during installation. The result…
  • mirror credentials

    I lost the URL where I get the mirror credentials ... SLD is not really comfortable. Can anyone describe where I get the mirror credentails for the SMT?
  • SMT2.0: iSCSI

    I installed a OES2023.3 incl. MF-SMT2. For the repos I connected a iSCSI-device. The iSCSI should start onBoot. But there is a kind of race condition: the boot stopped because not all mount are possible. And the mounts are not possible because the…
  • SMT 2.0 re-enabling firewall

    Hi Community, On SMT 2.0, I noticed the following: When firewall is disable (stopped + "Do not start", in YaST), (same if I : systemctl disable + systemctl stop) This is automatically changed when launching "yast smt" or "yast smt-server", this…
  • Registration via SMT: Unknown response format

    Sometimes I am tiered ... Installed new OES2023; If I try to register via YaST inst_suse_register / Local registration server I get the message "Unknown response format". If check with curl: # curl -v --trace "mfsmt.mydomain.tld" mfsmt.mydomain…
  • OES 2023: which repos are neccessary?

    Which repos are necessary to mirror via SMT for OES2023?
  • Cannot enable SMT repository

    I cannot enable any repo on my SMT smt-repos -p Open_Enterprise_Server,2018.3,x86_64 returns Repository [OES2018-SP3-Pool sle-12-x86_64] cannot be enabled. Access on the server denied. Repository [OES2018-SP3-SLE-Manager-Tools12-Debuginfo-Pool…
  • SMT: How to change the senders email address?

    Hi, how to change the SMT senders email address? It looks like it is generated like root@<fqdn of the host>
  • SMT and OES2018 sp3

    Hi Community, SMT 1.1 documentation mention the following : [https://www.microfocus.com/documentation/subscription-management-tool/smt-1.0/mfsmt/install.html] "Micro Focus SMT is an add-on product for Open Enterprise Server 2018 SP2, SUSE Linux Enterprise…
  • OES SMT: Where to store the SMT-CA?

    I have renewed the CA of the SMT-Server. Afterwards created a new certificate for the SMT-Service, export the certificate twice and restarted SMT services as usual. Than I run clientSetup4SMT.sh --host <mysmt-fqdn> at the client, accept the certificate…
  • OES2018sp1 Upgrade via local smt registration?

    Hi. For the life of me, I can't get this to work, in various environments. When I try to register a OES2018SP1 (Rev.A) server while upgrading against a local SMT server, I always get a "registration failed" error, and the details show a "404 Error". Of…
  • OES11: No SMT Repositories?

    Hey; is it just me, or are the SMT repositories for OES11 missing? :( Thanks.
  • OES2sp1 to OES2-SP2 via SMT server (Dependency Conflict)

    We have 30 OES2 servers that have been installed into our tree over time. 8 are still running OES2 SP1 with SLES 10 SP2 on them. I am trying to begin the process of patching these server to eventually get them all up to OES2 SP3 with SLES 10SP3. These…