UMC: What are the agents?

I found a schema regarding the UMC architecture (

I see that there has to be agents at the OES hosts. How they are named? Do I have them to install separately? (I assume: no)

I build a scene with one DB (oes-db), two management hosts (UMC pattern use the external DB and eDir)  and some OES-Hosts (three of them build a cluster).

- UMC does not shows more than one host in servers ... OK, found this is a known error ...

- Now I see that there is one cluster node shown as non-member. (But this host is a member, and run fine)

umcServiceHealth is fine on both UMC-Hosts; umcServiceHealth shows UMC not installed at the other hosts.

In /opt/novell/umc/apps/umc-server/prod.env:


Any hints?
