Registering servers with the SMT servers - Getting a "Download failed. Abort" error

To whom it may concern

I have an SMT server running on SLES15 SP5. It does get all its repositories and all the repositories are in sync. meaning there are no problems on the SMT server from what I can see. I tried to register 2 servers with the SMT server but I am getting the under-mentioned error messages.

1. Error 1 - ./ --host IP_Address_SMT_Server
Download failed. Abort.

2. Error 2 - SERVER01:/ # wget IP_Address_SMT_Server/.../

--2024-10-01 16:17:43-- IP_Address_SMT_Server/.../
Connecting to IP_Address_SMT_Server:80... failed: Connection refused.

The firewalls are stopped on the SMT and the 2 servers. Could someone please help me to solve the problem?

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    sh https://fqdn-smt-server/center/regsvc

    this is a possible command for the reg in the SMT server. Normally the reg only works via port 443. Important, the SMT needs a certificate, usually the tree CA is used. There is information on this in the instructions. It is also possible to use a self signed or commercial certificate instead of the eDir certificate.

    “You can't teach a person anything, you can only help them to discover it within themselves.” Galileo Galilei

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    Thank you George for your response. It is indeed a certificate issue but more than that Apache2 is giving me an "[mime:error] [pid 29566] (2)No such file or directory: AH01597: could not open mime types config file /etc/apache2/mime.types.
    AH00016: Configuration Failed" error message. I would rather reinstall the server and let you know the outcome.

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    There are several ways to test the configuration of Apache. There are differences depending on the OS or Apache version.

    One possibility is e.g. apache2ctl -t && apache2ctl graceful or /etc/init.d/apache2 restart; systemctl status apache2.service or apachectl configtest

    Unfortunately I have an SMT 2.0 installed on OES, I should just run it. I always run Apache with a commercial certificate, even if it is an internal system. A good solution is lets's encrypt

    “You can't teach a person anything, you can only help them to discover it within themselves.” Galileo Galilei

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    I reinstalled the SMT with a lower SLES version. SMT services are working and Apache2.

    The problem I am facing now is with the registration for SMT. After adding my username and password I get a "ERROR 403: Forbidden. error message" trying to connect to I am using a proxy, but the connection gets past the proxy and then stops awaiting a response from

    Connecting to proxy_IP_Address:3128... connected.
    Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden
    2024-10-04 07:33:06 ERROR 403: Forbidden. error message

    I did a test in a browser to see if I can access any repositories  it then asks for my SMT username and password. I browse to an example REPO$RCE/OES2023-Pool/sle-15-x86_6 .

    This also shows an Access forbidden error message.

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    George thanks for your support. My problem is solved. It seems to be a network problem that caused the connection problem to

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    There is one more thing in this context. The repo is unfortunately stored in / directory path apache. Under certain circumstances, this can fill the / very quickly. There are several ways to “bend” the path of Apache. A good possibility is a bind mount which points directly to the repo directory. This way no scripts have to be changed.

    “You can't teach a person anything, you can only help them to discover it within themselves.” Galileo Galilei

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    There is one more thing in this context. The repo is unfortunately stored in / directory path apache. Under certain circumstances, this can fill the / very quickly. There are several ways to “bend” the path of Apache. A good possibility is a bind mount which points directly to the repo directory. This way no scripts have to be changed.

    “You can't teach a person anything, you can only help them to discover it within themselves.” Galileo Galilei

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