iManager plugin configuration in OES23+ now completely broken?


I personally can't find any current OES23.X or newer server, where updating iManager plugins still works. Each one I check behaves identical, in that the installation (no matter which NPM), seems to start, but never proceeds.

Also, I read and re-read this:
But I don't understand it.;)

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    So I uninstalled iManager completely from one of my fully patched 24.3 servers, and reinstalled it through yast. iManager works after the installation, but has no plugins installed (in Yast, the famous "installing imanager plugins" didn't appear either).

    Trying to add or update *any* plugin results in the same as in every other server I tried: Absolutely *nothing*, except a (IMHO fake) display in iManager itself that it is installing the plugins, which never moves forward.

    Watching the tomcat logs, in fact it doesn't seem to be doing anythign at all.

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    So I uninstalled iManager completely from one of my fully patched 24.3 servers, and reinstalled it through yast. iManager works after the installation, but has no plugins installed (in Yast, the famous "installing imanager plugins" didn't appear either).

    Trying to add or update *any* plugin results in the same as in every other server I tried: Absolutely *nothing*, except a (IMHO fake) display in iManager itself that it is installing the plugins, which never moves forward.

    Watching the tomcat logs, in fact it doesn't seem to be doing anythign at all.

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    To which java version does JAVA_HOME in /etc/opt/novell/tomcat/conf/novell-tomcat.conf point ?

    iManager only works correctly with jre-1.8.0-ibm, the openjdk java did not allow installation of plugins. That problem should have been addressed by the latest updates to OES, but maybe it did the opposite to iManager.