Volume incorrectly reports full

I have a problem which reports being full, but actually isn't:

fs2b:~ # du -sh /media/nss/HRZ
638G    /media/nss/HRZ

fs2b:~ # df -h /media/nss/HRZ
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
HRZ             805G  803G     0 100% /media/nss/HRZ

fs2b:~ # nlvm list pool HRZ
  State=Active Type=NSS32 Size=804.99GB Shared=Yes IsSnap=No ADMediaSupport=No
  Used=804.99GB Free=0KB Segs=1 Volumes=1 Snapshots=0 Move=No
  Created: Tue Aug 14 10:13:31 2007
  Pool segments:
   Index     Start        Next     Size  Partition
     1           0  1688205984  804.99GB sdp1.1
  Volumes on this pool:
   Volume     State Mounted   Quota      Used      Free      ADEnabled
   HRZ       Active   Yes      None   802.04GB       0KB        No

fs2b:~ # nlvm list volume HRZ
  Pool=HRZ State=Active Mounted=Yes Shared=Yes
  Used=802.04GB Avail=0KB Quota=None Purgeable=0KB
  ReadAheadBlocks=64 PrimaryNameSpace=LONG
  Objects=983903 Files=897724
  BlockSize=4096 ShredCount=1 AuthModelID=1
  CreateTime:  Tue Aug 14 10:15:10 2007
  ArchiveTime: Never

When I deleted a 80 GB file, free space temporarily was shown - but about a minute later it was again zero.

I don't find any big files changed the last 24 hours.

The volume is primary of a DST pair; the secondary does not seem to have a problem.

The server is a node in 2-server-cluster, NCS. A few days ago I upgraded one node from OES 2018.3 to OES 24.2. During the upgrade all volumes were on the other node, OES 2018.3. After the upgrade I cluster migrated two volumes to the upgraded node - first a test volume, which showed no problems, then this HRZ volumes. I don't know if there is a connection with the upgrade.

Any ideas whats wrong here and what to do? I am considering a pool verify, but I am hesitating while the system thinks there is no free space - afaik a verify needs to write?


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    make sure there aren't any sparse files happening.

    NoRM would help for that with checking for the largest files, with sparse files showing unreal big sizes, often the 'size' of the max possible on the file system.
      server:8009   View File System,   NCP Volume Inventory,  select the volume in question, wait a bit for it to scan,  and then peruse what it shows.

    Usually means bad things have happened to that volume, where make good backups and go that pool verify path.


    Andy of KonecnyConsulting.ca in Toronto
    Please use the "Like" and/or "Verified Answers" as appropriate as that helps us all.

  • 0  

    make sure there aren't any sparse files happening.

    NoRM would help for that with checking for the largest files, with sparse files showing unreal big sizes, often the 'size' of the max possible on the file system.
      server:8009   View File System,   NCP Volume Inventory,  select the volume in question, wait a bit for it to scan,  and then peruse what it shows.

    Usually means bad things have happened to that volume, where make good backups and go that pool verify path.


    Andy of KonecnyConsulting.ca in Toronto
    Please use the "Like" and/or "Verified Answers" as appropriate as that helps us all.

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    Indeed bad things happened... I had to restore the data from backup.

    Pool verify killed the volume and crashed the server. After about 20% verified the server crashed. Then after reboot, while trying to mount the volume, the server crashed again - loop. I had too remove the disk on VMware. I created a new pool and volume.

    Like someone (Massimo Rosen iirc) pointed out in an other thread, and contrary to what the documentation says, a pool verify is NOT read only.
