When trying to rename any folder we are getting error - action cannot be completed because folder or file in it is open by another program


    Recently we are seeing this error - whenever we rename any folder we are getting error - action cannot be completed because folder or file in it is open by another program. If I create a new folder, I can rename it. But any existing folder is giving this error when we rename it. Happens with all folder. Tried rebooting the OES server. Still the error is seen.

Thanks in advance for any help


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    Do you have the Details pane turned on in Windows Explorer?  We had enough issues with the Details pane that I disabled it by default on all our workstations.  Turn it off and see if that resolves the issue.  You could also try turning off the Preview pane.  I left it alone as it usually doesn't cause problems, but who knows if Microsoft changed something.