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iPrint Synchronization script


The iPrint Synchronization script assumes two OES Linux iPrint servers with similar configurations exists. These two servers may have a similar configurations as a result of running the iPrint Duplication Script. While those two iPrint configurations were identical at the time the iPrint Duplication Script was run, changes are likely to occur on the production print manager server. These changes could be, but not limited to:

  • create a printer

  • delete a printer

  • change a print driver association

  • upload a new print driver

  • change IP address of a printer agent

  • change any attribute of a printer agent

After executing this iPrint Synchronization Script on the back up iPrint server, the changes made to the production print manager server will be synchronized to the backup server at a time interval decided by you. Additionally, there is an option to configure a notification system so you are emailed or sent a text message when the production print manager is unavailable.

This tool consists of the iPrint-Sync script and iPrint-Sync.conf. The iPrint-Sync.conf requires input prior to running the iPrint-Sync script. For an explanation and demonstration of the purpose of this tool, how to complete the iPrint-Sync.conf, and see how the script is run, go to

Installation Instructions:

Note: The iPrint Synchronization Script supports OES 2 and 11.

  1. Download iprint-sync-1.1.tgz

  • Open a Terminal window and type “su”.

  • Enter root’s password.

  • Extract the script from the tarball.

    #tar –xzvf iprint-sync-1.1.tgz

  • cd to the iPrint-Sync folder.

    #cd iPrint-Sync

  • Make the script executable.

    #chmod 755

  • Open the iPrint-Sync.conf file and fill out the values for synchronization

  • Run the iPrint Synchronization Script and answer the questions.


    Setup notification or synchronization at some specific interval.

    #./ -c


    Run the iPrint Synchronization tool immediately.

    #./ -ksb

  • Your iPrint system should now synchronized.


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