• iprint Appliance 23.4 and below - iCM Auto Uninstall Printers

    I have had a small Nagging issue with the iPrint Appliance since version 4.0 [I am now on version 23.4). Its not a deal breaker, but I'm not sure why it's an issue. I am using iCM with the Windows AD login As per this documentation (This integrates iCM…
  • How do I rename a printer / print queue in iPrint?

    We use Zenworks Print policy to push out the printers and papercut with iPrint for the print queue/access control. My question is how do I rename a printer / print queue ? Which comes 1st? Rename on Papercut, then iPrint and then Zenworks OR ......…
  • iPrint Printers Configuration fails with RPC Communication Error

    My iprint server just stop printing this afternoon. When I try to connect to the iprint appliance configuration/printers, it gives me an RPC communication error just like in this document Knowledge Document: iPrint Printers Configuration fails with…
  • How to update iPrint Certificate?

    My iPrint is telling me that my Server certificate is about to expire. How do I see whether it's using manage third-party certificate or self-signed certificate? How do I update the certificate for either option? iPrint version 4.2.8. Planning…
  • iPrint Manager Crashing

    Hello, I have an issue with a 23.4 iPrint appliance with the Print Manager crashing. Logs show as per below but no real information, is there somewhere else that might point me at what it could be? Feb 12 13:19:15 2024 INFO Starting papercut process…
  • 404 Error on Mobile Page after Upgrade to iPrint 23.4 appliance

    Hello, after upgrading our appliance to 23.4 I get 404 error when accessing the "Mobile" tab on the appliance management page. This error also prevents other tabs and even the printers in the ipp portal to load. Mobile tab: Fehler: DataModelException…
  • Is it possible to revert back to a snapshot if upgrades to iPrint 4 patches fail?

    I need to update a iprint printer profile, but it's still wants me to use IE which is nolonger working even with IE compatibility mode enabled in Edge. We are still running iPrint 4 and I notice that there is 5 patches that needs to be updated. (Patch…
  • iPrint Appliance 5.x SSL Cert renewal issue

    I am attempting to renew the SSL certificates for my iPrint Appliance. When I generate the CSR and upload it to my CA to generate the certificate needed the iPrint appliance will error stating "A chain of trust cannot be formed with the uploaded certificates…
  • iPrint 5 and PaperCut

    Hello, just looking for a confirmation if anyone else has done this upgrade yet. We're currently running a single iPrint Appliance (4.2.x) with PaperCut 22.x running on the same server. I would like to migrate our appliance to iPrint 5 in order to take…
  • iPrint-2.1.0.Migration_Enabler

    hello I need to upgrade our very old iprint 2.1 - here i need a Migration enabler. It cannot be found on microfocus download site - so does anybody have this file on some old storage or something? Its called "iPrint-2.1.0.Migration_Enabler.zip…
  • iPrint 3.2 to 4 Migration Enabler Patch - How to find

    Hi, All, I am trying to start a migration from iPrint appliance 3.2.1 to 4.x. One of the first requirements is to make sure the Migration Enabler Patch is downloaded and installed. Problem is, I have nothing listed in either the needed patches or the…
  • iPrint Appliance printing problems

    We are running an iPrint Appliance 4.1.4 with PaperCut 20.1.3 on the same VMware VM. We started having issues 7 months ago with the Print Manager going down and we would not be able to restart it. We could do a rebuild per Micro Focus support and then…
  • Chromebook Printers Constantly Requires Reinstallation

    Does anybody else on here use iPrint with Chromebooks? I implemented it this year and have had a terrible time with printers losing functionality and requiring removal and reinstallation before they work again. For some of our students, it seems like…
  • java.lang.NullPointerException adding driver to store

    When I first setup this iPrint appliance last summer it was working fine and I was able to add drivers to the driver store without any problem. Recently I needed to add a new driver and I am now getting the error "java.lang.NullPointerException" any time…
  • iPrint Portal Code

    Where can I find the angular / html markup for the portal page to make some very minor modifications as there does not appear to be any configuration options for appearance The install is a mass of symbolic links and there is web content everywhere so…
  • a problem with iprint admin rights on iPrint 1.1 appliance

    Hello all, I use rbs to create a role for iprint admin. The rbs is based on imanager 2.x collection, has the roles of directory administration, groups, help desk, iprint, rights and users and the scope is the ou of the printers. When the person associated…
  • iPrint Appliance iManager blank screen after login?

    Recently upgraded our iPrint to the latest version: and now the iManager portion doesn't seem to be working. After attempting to login it just shows a blank page, there is no output of any kind. I've tried restarting tomcat6 and apache2…
  • ndsconfig upgrade fails to recreate certs

    iPrint Appliance Our self signed certs expired last week so I followed the "ndsconfig upgrade plus unload and reload ldap" method. it didn't work: Configuring SAS service ERROR 111: Unable to connect to local server.Unable to configure…
  • Migration from OES to appliance

    Hello, im planning to migrate my central iprint server, currently in OES, to 4/5 remote iprint appliances. I went through the documentation and used miggui to migrate the printer objects flawlessly. The thing is that we have all printers distributed and…
  • iPrint Appliance mailbody=no as default setting

    Is there a way to set default subject line settings? I would like to make the default to only print attachments without printing the body of the email. I know you can do this with the subject line "mailbody=no," but I want to make that the default where…
  • Printers Assigned to eDir Users not Auto-Installing

    Our iPrint appliance is all patched. We migrated from an OES 11 SP2 iPrint installation. When a printer is assigned to an eDir user from the appliance, it is not installed when the user logs on to the workstation. We also did some printer agent redirection…
  • Login to Imanager error 669

    Hello, We just installed Iprint Appliance version I get that you can manage the Iprint service with the admin account but we would like to assign different rights to this appliance. When logging in using my regular credentials, i am getting…
  • LDAP Not Syncing All Users

    iPrint Appliance 1.1 patch 3 Syncing to eDirectory 8.8 all current patches I created a new iPrint appliance, since I was unable to regain access to ldap on the old one (I haven't deleted it yet). The new iPrint appliance is having one of the same issues…
  • Can't Access LDAP config

    I logged in to the appliance and went to "LDAP Import." It immediately asks me for a user name and password; the root and vaadmin accounts don't work to login here, nor does the iPrint admin account. LDAP is not syncing all of our eDir users. What credential…
  • iPrint OES11 to 1.1 Appliance

    I've migrated all the printers from our current OES11 SP2 iPrint server to the appliance a few weeks ago, but wasn't ready to switch to it yet. I'm trying finish the migration before Monday (spring break here). The OES server is still taking all the iPrint…