I have had a small Nagging issue with the iPrint Appliance since version 4.0 [I am now on version 23.4). Its not a deal breaker, but I'm not sure why it's an issue. I am using iCM with the Windows AD login As per this documentation (This integrates iCM with the Windows AD Login):
Configuring iPrint Client Management to Function Without Novell Client
(But I also followed the iprint documentaiton as well)
It's been working for years, and I can have printers install automatically based on the Group, as it following the distribution rights for iCM Example:
As you can see, I automatically install the printers for that site to the windows workstations, and then I have iprint REMOVE any printers that are not needed. All Groups, including the default gourps that were installed when creating the iprint appliance have rights to ALL of the printers. The appliance installs printers with 0 issues, however, it has trouble removing iprint printers from the workstation, sometimes it can remove some of them, other times it can remove non of them and it leaves them in this state, on the workstation when it cannot, does anyone know how to solve this or why the iprint client and iCM would have trouble removing printers, since the rights seem to be correct? I end up having to right click and remove them manually for the user sometimes, as well, it blocks the reinstallation of printers from iprint, since it thinks the printer and driver are there:
It would be nice if they cleanly uninstalled EVERYTIME.